
SNK Playmore

Rewind Review: Garou: Mark of the Wolves (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: Garou: Mark of the Wolves (XBLA)

Garou: Mark of the Wolves was released by SNK/Playmore on June 24, 2009 and retails for 800MSP.

Garou: Mark of the Wolves (MOTW) is one of the last great fighting games released for the Neo-Geo. Originally releasing roughly around the same time as Street Fighter 3 this game was to be SNK’s answer to Capcom. While it never did reach the same level of popularity it certainly is a great game in its own right.

With some of the best graphics that the Neo-Geo could produce and some of the best gameplay in any fighting game ever; this game is a true gem. MOTW is essentially the culmination of the Fatal Fury series. Its story line is one of transition. Old heroes make way for new heroes and old villains make way for new ones as well. Everything about this game is polish and class. The only real shame is that the sequel was never released.

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Rewind Review: KOF 98′ Ultimate Match (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: KOF 98′ Ultimate Match (XBLA)

The King of Fighter ’98 Ultimate Match (KOF98UM) was released by SNK/Playmore and retails for 800MSP.

KOF98UM is an updated port of the original Neo-Geo game. Released in 1998, it was the fifth game in the KOF series. But the series actually traces its roots further back to the venerable Fatal Fury series. Regardless, in its day KOF98 was a revelation for fighting games. It took everything that was good in the series and polished it to a new level. Simply put, there was no better team fighter around. Many would argue that it’s still the best team fighter if not one of the best fighters of all time. The debate will always rage amongst fighting fans as to the best, but all recognize KOF98 as a stellar achievement. KOF98UM adds a few fan favorite characters and rebalances a few others to make this the definitive version of KOF98.

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Trouble Witches Neo review (XBLA)
14 years ago

Trouble Witches Neo review (XBLA)

Trouble Witches Neo was released by SNK Playmore. It was released on May 5, 2011 and retails for 800 MSP. A copy was provide for review purposes.

Trouble Witches Neo is a horizontal shooter that clearly takes inspiration from Deathsmiles. Putting that aside it is easy to see that it’s a fun and fundamentally sound shooter that most players will enjoy. The premise of the game is simple; an apprentice witch must complete her mission to become a full fledged witch. The story doesn’t really matter, but for those who care there is a story mode that details the characters’ outcomes. The real draw here is the action, and Trouble Witches Neo has plenty of it.

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XBLA Gets Geo’d with Trouble Witches Neo

Who says that America never gets all the best Japanese games? Japanese developer SNK, originators of the home and arcade videogame system, Neo Geo, have announced a console version of Trouble Witches, the hardcore arcade shoot ’em up full of cute witches, flowers petals, and magic. Hardcore shoot ’em up with flower petals? Trust us. It’s awesome.

And we’ve got the gritty details, the colorful screenshots, and the gameplay trailer to prove it…

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King of Fighters 2002 Ultimate Match on XBLA Dated, Priced

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SNK Playmore has announced that it’s 2D fighter King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match is coming to the Xbox Live Arcade this fall. Like King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match before it, it’s a commemorative remake of the Neo Geo arcade fighter and includes a lot of improvements over the the original game.

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Latest MW2 Glitch Strikes Hard Against SNK Games
15 years ago

Latest MW2 Glitch Strikes Hard Against SNK Games

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Talk about one strange glitch for sure… this is the latest from the Modern Warfare 2 series, only this time the victim is none other than Japanese developer, SNK Playmore. After all of the bullets …
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