
Grip Games

Check out the first eight minutes of The Solus Project
10 years ago

Check out the first eight minutes of The Solus Project

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Crash on an alien planet, forage for supplies to survive, save the human race. The Solus Project seems to follow in the footsteps of the ever-popular survival genre. If you’re one to …
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The Solus Project preview: Unreal aspirations
10 years ago

The Solus Project preview: Unreal aspirations

“We want people to look at it and say, ‘OK, that’s something Activision could make,'” Grip Games CEO and co-founder Jakub Mikyska says of The Solus Project following a hands-on session with the game at E3.

It’s a lofty goal, and I’m not entirely sure it’s one the teams at Grip Games and co-developer Teotl Studios are pulling off. But The Solus Project certainly does not appear as an indie game. So while you’re unlikely to mistake it for something with the visual fidelity of Destiny or the next Call of Duty, the Unreal Engine 4-powered game at least looks like it’s slipped into that somewhat barren in-between category. The Solus Project‘s graphics make it look like a AA game. It’s something more technically impressive than what gamers are used to getting at ID@Xbox price points, but you’re unlikely to mistake it for the next Activision blockbuster.

The demo opens with us taking control of an astronaut stranded on a grassy beach with a rocky outcrop to one side and a body of water to the other. Straight forward it is, then. Mikyska tells me that players can pick up things in the environment, so I immediately try to grab every plant I see, but most aren’t pick-ups. Eventually I do come across some plants that can be picked up along with water, health packs, a flashlight and other goodies.

Intelligently managing and holding onto items will be important, since you’ll need resources to prevent dying of exposure, thirst or starvation. Your inventory will of course be limited to prevent stocking up on too many resources to easily overcome the game’s challenges.

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Tower of Guns review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Tower of Guns review (Xbox One)

Tower of Guns was developed by Grip Games and Terrible Posture Games and published by Grip Games on Xbox One. It was released on April 9, 2015 for $14.99. A copy was provided by Grip Games for review purposes.

Tower of Guns review for Xbox One

Tower of Guns is another in a series of recent roguelike games to reach the Xbox One via the ID@Xbox program. At first glance, it’s is a throwback to old school first-person shooters in both design and gameplay. While unexciting to start with, Tower of Guns grows on the player with the strange charm of its story mode and the straightforwardness of its objective. After that, it will make you rage. Roguelike games tend to spawn enemy and room patterns that will eventually kill the player in brutal manners. In some games, defeat can be deflating and cause the player to not want to play again. Meanwhile, Tower of Guns is a fantastic game for players who refuse to lose and find motivation in trying until they win. Even if you lose, progress is made toward unlocking new guns and new perks to use for future attempts to finally beat the tower. It’s a win/win for all (not a guarantee). So what do I like about the title? Take a look below.

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Tower of Guns locked and loaded for April 10 release
10 years ago

Tower of Guns locked and loaded for April 10 release

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Grip Games is working with Terrible Posture Games to bring their hit FPS Tower of Guns to consoles. This high-octane shooter is built on old-school sensibilities, offering fast-paced action and a hailstorm of bullets. Players will enter the Tower of Guns, a challenging gauntlet made of seven randomly-generated floor. Blast away enemies and defeat giant bosses using an arsenal of big weapons, modifiable equipment and upgradable abilities. Every death will start you at the beginning of the tower and completely reset its layout, but at least you’ll start off stronger and better equipped.

Tower of Guns will shoot its way onto Xbox One on April 10 for $14.99. Check out the trailer after the jump.
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Unmechanical: Extended Edition review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Unmechanical: Extended Edition review (Xbox One)

Unmechanical: Extended Edition was developed and published on Xbox One by Grip Games as an improvement to Talawa Games’ and Teotl Studios’s Unmechanical. It will release on January 30, 2015 for $9.99. A copy was provided by Talawa Games for review purposes.

U:EE Title Screen

Up until January 21, 2015, I didn’t even know this game existed until I happened to come across an achievement list for the Xbox One version. The game peaked my interest, and I’m glad I saw that achievement list. Unmechanical was originally released on Steam and Android in 2012 and has been rereleased to home consoles with a new extra side level called “Extended”.

Unmechanical: Extended Edition claims itself as a simple game with a variety of puzzles. After starting the game and looking at the controls, it was definitely simple. The left or right stick can move the character and every button and trigger besides the Y button was a tractor beam. That’s it. What can a simple game bring to the table?

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Unmechanical: Extended Edition hovers to Xbox One on January 30

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U:EE banner

Grip Games, Talawa Games and Teotl Studios have announced that their hit game Unmechanical will now see an Xbox One release as Unmechanical: Extended Edition featuring an additional new story level with its own set of puzzles to solve. This title is releasing on January 30, 2015 for a price of $9.99 / 9.99 EUR.

The story is about a little robot that is trapped in an underground complex and his journey to freedom by means of solving puzzles that impede his path.

One of the prominent features of the game as quoted on the developer’s site is “Intuitive and simple controls, applied to a great range of interactions.”

Featured below is a trailer of the game in action.

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Jet Car Stunts coming to XBLA
11 years ago

Jet Car Stunts coming to XBLA

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Indie developer bitComposer Entertainment’s Jet Car Stunts is coming to XBLA thanks to publisher Grip Games. The game, which will launch this May, will feature 36 courses and a puzzle mode that will invite players to “reach the unreachable.” Multiple difficulties and three different play modes should provide a fair amount of variety.

The gameplay appears to be similar to the early XBLA title GripShift and should be of particular interest for players interested in racers with a strong single-player component, if the two titles’ puzzle modes are as similar as they sound. Control will be more important than raw speed given the technical complexity of some of the jumps…though failure might be as entertaining as success given the physics and damage systems, as the trailer suggests.

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