

E3 Hands-on: Storming the stylish battlefields of Happy Wars
13 years ago

E3 Hands-on: Storming the stylish battlefields of Happy Wars

There are a myriad of reasons — some massive, others minuscule — for wars throughout history. Wars ranging from the disagreement you had with your mother to World War II to the intergalactic alien space combat we’re likely to experience in the near future. No wars have been particularly fun until video games came along, removing the consequences and the guilt of war. Yet still wars are brutal, sad, scary sort of affairs, no matter what your role is in them — and then there’s Happy Wars.

Happy Wars’ pseudo cell-shaded art style (mixed with a bit of watercolor, perhaps) hearkens back to the days of Cel Damage and Jet Set Radio. The zany visuals and overall lighthearted presentation prove war isn’t always depressing and vile. White is pit against black in this 15 vs. 15 multiplayer action game in an effort to capture towers and destroy the enemy team’s castle. Players can pick from a warrior, mage or cleric class and acquire new skills as they level up and attempt to out-maneuver the enemy team.

Our demo was cut into thirds, with a tutorial and gameplay rundown to start, an explanation of the deeper features of the game following that, and lastly a match played to completion on the game’s desert themed level. Read More

5th Cell unveils new Hybrid details with accompanying trailer
13 years ago

5th Cell unveils new Hybrid details with accompanying trailer

5th Cell has come clean with new details on Hybrid, the third-person shooter which they promise will forever change the multiplayer gaming scene. After its initial unveiling last year, …
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