
Card Games

Insane Robots review: Card game in disguise
7 years ago

Insane Robots review: Card game in disguise

Card games can be intimating to gamers new to the genre, conjuring up the image of grey-bearded men in dimly lit rooms playing secret games where the rules are only …
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Trulon: The Shadow Engine review: Seen it all before
8 years ago

Trulon: The Shadow Engine review: Seen it all before

Gamers are a fickle lot and I include myself in that statement. I’ve longed for a good old-fashioned, turn-based RPG, to take me back to my youth and yet when …
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Gwent closed beta now live, registration still open
8 years ago

Gwent closed beta now live, registration still open

The closed beta for CD Projekt RED’s Gwent started up this week. The stand alone version of the fast-paced card game that can be played within The Witcher 3: Wild …
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Armello: Hitting Xbox One later this month
9 years ago

Armello: Hitting Xbox One later this month

Armello is a four-player digital table-top RPG card game, created by League of Geeks.The premise for this turn-based strategy game is that the King of Armello has fallen ill to …
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Free-to-play card battler Lies of Astaroth hits Xbox One today
9 years ago

Free-to-play card battler Lies of Astaroth hits Xbox One today

Free-to-play, fantasy card battle MMORPG, Lies of Astaroth released today on Xbox One. The game’s Chinese developers iFreeStudio promise a simple yet deep battle design which should satisfy both hardcore …
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Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 review (XBLA)
14 years ago

Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 review (XBLA)

The original Duels of the Planeswalkers was perhaps the best bad game one could play on XBLA. It launched with numerous bugs, many of which remain unfixed today. A small number of cards didn’t work as described in their text, it was inordinately difficult to arrange blocking if there were too many attackers, and certain design decisions crippled the strategic calculus normally found in a Magic game. And in many ways the first Duels game played like a giant teaser advertisement for the rest of the Magic universe, rather than as a game whole and complete unto itself. It was still hugely fun to play, because Magic is a fun game with great art and clever mechanics, but the game lacked a certain richness, that attention to detail and the player experience that marks a great game.

Thank Wizards and Stainless, then, for making the bold decision to leave behind the old game, warts and all, and concentrate on creating the game that the first Duels could have been. The new Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 addresses many of the complaints about the first Duels, providing a smoother, faster game experience, a cleaner UI, vastly improved deck editing, a variety of online cooperative play formats, and a generally richer, better game experience.

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