

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 review: Another slice of pie
8 years ago

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 review: Another slice of pie

Back when Pac-Man Championship Edition was released in 2007, it felt like it was exactly what the classic series needed. A refreshed, revamped take on a game that has often …
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Rewind Review: Soul Calibur (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: Soul Calibur (XBLA)

Soul Calibur was developed by Namco Bandai and retails for 800 MSP. It was released July 2, 2008.

The soul is always burning — burning for more swords and axes clashing, burning for ring outs. Soul Calibur is one of the best fighting games ever released for the Dreamcast and has had many sequels on various consoles. Some still regard the first game being the very best in the series and if you’re one of those, then Xbox Live Arcade is where you’ll be able to find it. But does the soul still burn or has the flame been extinguished?

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