
4p Co-Op

Strange Brigade Review: Supernaturally Good
7 years ago

Strange Brigade Review: Supernaturally Good

There is a lot of good media that has the word Strange in the title. Stranger Things, Life is Strange, Doctor Strange and even the song Strange Times by The …
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Warhammer: Vermintide 2 review: Left for Rats
7 years ago

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 review: Left for Rats

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a first-person cooperative adventure survival game. It takes the Left 4 Dead type gameplay and adds RPG elements. While killing rat humanoids might seem funny, you’ll …
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PSA: The Expendables 2 available now on XBLA
13 years ago

PSA: The Expendables 2 available now on XBLA

The Expendables 2 was released this morning on XBLA for 1200 MSP. The game, which is to act as a prelude to the movie of the same name, is …
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New Scourge: Outbreak teaser trailer

Spanish developer Tragnarion Studios have released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming futuristic third-person shooter Scourge: Outbreak. The game was announced earlier this year, and is features four …
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The Expendables 2 game announced for XBLA
13 years ago

The Expendables 2 game announced for XBLA

Ubisoft have announced a video game tie in for the upcoming release of The Expendables 2, heading to XBLA this summer. The game, which is based on the over-the-top action film set to hit cinemas in August, allows players to take on the role of four of the world’s most crusty legendary mercenaries: Barney Ross, Gunner Jensen, Hale Caesar and Yin Yang. Players must rescue an extremely valuable, kidnapped billionaire, in an adventure which concludes right where the new movie begins. Gameplay appears to be a standard 4 player twin stick shooter which is said to be playable both online and offline. Check out some more screenshots after the jump.

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South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge to receive hefty software update
13 years ago

South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge to receive hefty software update

South Park fans will be please to hear that the disappointing South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge is set to receive a title update. The 4 player platformer was heavily criticised for it’s sluggish controls, poor level design and insane difficulty level. In fact our Community Manager, Andrew Crews, reviewed the game for XBLA Fans and found it difficult to say anything nice at all. However it looks like developers, Other Ocean Interactive, have taken note and made more than a few changes in the right direction. One of the biggest changes will be the addition of a new Character Swap ability. Players can now change characters at any time, meaning you don’t need to keep replaying the same level with different characters in order to get all the collectables required to move on.

It’s always nice to see a developer continuing to support a game post release, but is all forgiven? Let us know what you think the comments section. For the full patch details, click over the page.

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Shoot Many Robots goes customization crazy

Which game let you equip fairy wings, a viking helmet, tighty whities, and a flamethrower? No it’s not Gotham City Impostors (next DLC pack perhaps?) but upcoming 4-player co-op, run-n’-gun action shooter Shoot Many Robots. Demiurge Studios have released a new gameplay trailer today, highlighting the game’s light RPG aspects and fun customisations. They’ve also revealed that there will be hundreds (and hundreds) of guns and gear for you to find, and that you can tailor the gear you wear to your play style. For example, if you want to play as a tank class, just equip gear with health boosts and grab a huge gun or if you prefer a stealthier approach then get a sniper rifle, a jetpack and pick off robots from the distance. Or you can just play as a crazy person wearing fishnet tights and a powdered wig…the choice is yours.

Shoot Many Robots blasts it’s way onto XBLA on March 14 for 800 MSP. Check out some new screen shots after the jump.

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Shoot Many Robots this Pi Day
13 years ago

Shoot Many Robots this Pi Day

We reported it last week but it wasn’t official, however Alex Monney, PR for Ubisoft, confirmed it in a tweet earlier today:

Shoot Many Robots is releasing on March …
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New Lucha Fury Trailer
14 years ago

New Lucha Fury Trailer

By  •  News, Videos, Media

What we have here is a lovely new teaser trailer from GameTrailers showing off the 4p Co-Op Beat-Em-Up game that is Lucha Fury. This summer will see a lot of …
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