
11 bit studios

Dieselpunk inspired Tower 57 coming to Xbox One
9 years ago

Dieselpunk inspired Tower 57 coming to Xbox One

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Top down twin-stick shooter, Tower 57 is in development by Pixwerk and is currently slated to hit Xbox One in 2017. Set in a dieselpunk world where everyone lives in …
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This War of Mine: The Little Ones Review: It’s time to rethink war
9 years ago

This War of Mine: The Little Ones Review: It’s time to rethink war

Games that have featured war as a key component have proliferated both retail and digital game shelves practically since the beginning of gaming, but never before has a game focused on the lives …
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Anomaly Warzone Earth review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Anomaly Warzone Earth review (XBLA)

Anomaly Warzone Earth was developed by 11 Bit Studios and retails for 800 MSP. It was released on April 6, 2012. A copy was provided for review purposes.


Anomaly Warzone Earth takes the tower defense genre and turns it on its ear. Instead of placing towers and picking off enemies you are thrust into the difficult scenario of finding a way to run the gauntlet. In the not so distant future aliens crash to earth and tough times ensue. A small convoy of soldiers must infiltrate and investigate the destruction. Anomaly Warzone Earth is an updated version of the iOS title that delivers new features to make it worthy of a XBLA release.

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11 bit Studios shows us the XBLA-exclusive levels in Anomaly Warzone Earth

If you didn’t catch our interview, you’ll know that 11 bit Studios is promising exclusive XBLA content coming from Anomaly Warzone Earth. There’ll be six Tactical Trials that take …
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Interview: Pawel Miechowski from 11 bit Studios on Anomaly Warzone Earth
13 years ago

Interview: Pawel Miechowski from 11 bit Studios on Anomaly Warzone Earth

Just before the Friday release of Anomaly Warzone Earth, we got a chance to have an interview with Pawel Miechowski, Senior Writer at 11 bit Studios about the game’s inspiration, exclusives and what to expect from this Tower-Offense game.

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Anomaly Warzone Earth striking April 6 for 800 MSP

Continuing with the new tradition this year of Friday releases after South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge but before Fez, Microsoft is publishing 11 bit Studios’ upcoming Anomaly Warzone Earth. It’ll …
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Anomaly Warzone Earth crash-landing to XBLA in 2012
13 years ago

Anomaly Warzone Earth crash-landing to XBLA in 2012

One of the most popular RTS games for PC/Mac and iOS is Anomaly Warzone Earth which blends more action elements into the tower defense genre, making it more on the offensive side rather than defensive. 11 bit Studios announced that it’ll be bringing the game over to XBLA in the spring of 2012. They’ll be working on bringing the classic gameplay to the controller alongside six exclusive levels that test your skills. In addition to a story campaign, the game will also include two Squad Assault modes. Check out some screenshots after the break and keep watching the skies for more information on this upcoming space-RTS.
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