
Call it a case of the student surpassing the teacher – Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition sold more copies in 2012 than its older, beefier PC counterpart, developer Mojang announced last week. According to a post over at EuroGamer, the XBLA edition of the world-building adventure goliath sold 5,002,370 copies last year, compared to 4,177,843 sold on PC; not bad, considering the game’s been out for less than a year on XBLA.

That news caps what can easily be called a phenomenal first year (well, eight months) for Minecraft on XBLA. The game sold a staggering two million copies within the first month of release, and went on to hit five million served just before the end of the year (and becoming the best-selling XBLA title of all time). The game also made history by becoming the first XBLA title to knock Call of Duty from the top spot on the Xbox LIVE Activity Charts. And that momentum shows no signs of slowing down, with 4J and Mojang constantly refining the game and adding new (to XBLA) features with various title updates, including the upcoming Title Update 8 (which will add a lot to the game even if it won’t be as big as originally anticipated).

If you aren’t one of the millions of XBLA Minecraft adopters to date, the game is available for 1600 MSP (with add-ons and skin packs available for varying prices). Those on the fence can take a look at two differing opinions on the game right here at XBLAFans: Our original positive review and an editorial from a staffer who just doesn’t “get” Minecraft.

Source: EuroGamer