Hi-Rez Studios, known for games such as Smite, Paladins and Realm Royale, added crossplay functionality on its games between Xbox One and Nintendo
Hey @Sony @PlayStation. It’s time to stop playing favorites and tear down the crossplay/progression wall for everyone. We have @SMITEGame, @PaladinsGame, @RealmRoyale ready to go when you are. https://t.co/KNDetpXPf5
— HiRezStew (@schisam) February 8, 2019
Sony recently began to add crossplay compatibility for select games from select developers such as Epic Games’ Fortnite and Psyonix’s Rocket League, but they haven’t fully committed yet. In another effort to shine a light on the benefits to gamers and developers alike that crossplay can have, Hi-Rez Stuido’s President and CEO, Stew Chisam, shared some statistics that can basically be summed up as: more available players means a better online experience.
Xplay improves match quality in multiplayer games. When we added crossplay between Paladins Xbox and Switch:
— HiRezStew (@schisam) February 8, 2019
>> Wait time reduced 30%
>> Level spread between players down 40%
>> 40% reduction in ELO std deviation per match
>> 80% reduction in “Bad” matches (by our internal defn)
Crossplay is good for gaming and especially good for gamers. It allows for a larger player base, a more integrated community and allows gamers and game developers to focus on a fun and exciting experience with their friends rather than choosing which friends to play what games with based on console choice. Sony, Microsoft