

Major Nelson confirms Haunt is headed to XBLA, will be shown at TGS

Xbox Live’s very own Major Nelson reports that the previously announced stylized horror game Haunt will indeed be releasing as an Xbox Live Arcade title. Created by Masaya Matsuura …
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Real Steel shows off the robotic goods in its first trailer

Did you ever think Hugh Jackman would be in an XBLA game? Well, he might not be in this but the giant robots that fight each other are the …
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Grasshopper takes the veil off Codename D, officially titled Diabolical Pitch
13 years ago

Grasshopper takes the veil off Codename D, officially titled Diabolical Pitch

Back at E3 2010, Suda 51’s Grasshopper Manufacture announced Codename D for Xbox 360. Outside of a strange teaser trailer and the announcement that the game will utilize Kinect, …
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Eye-popping Trine 2 trailer stands out from the crowd
13 years ago

Eye-popping Trine 2 trailer stands out from the crowd

Atlus has released a new trailer for Frozenbyte’s eye-popping side-scrolling platformer Trine 2. This particular clip gives us a close up look at the game’s dazzling environments and universe. …
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Awesomenauts’ Jasper Koning talks shop in this Q&A
13 years ago

Awesomenauts’ Jasper Koning talks shop in this Q&A

Awesomenauts, upcoming 2D MOBA game from Ronimo Games, is paving the way to an entirely new way to play MOBA games without abandoning all the things we love. However, with a change of dimension comes several other things. Arguably games like League of Legends are actually pretty simple to understand and can be very accessible. However, getting good, or passing the “barrier of competency”, is a very long, uphill battle requiring either tons of gameplay experience or a lot of research. Awesomenauts seeks to simplify and streamline the mechanics surrounding the depth that MOBA games are known for without removing any of it. In that effort, Ronimo Games has employed a simple, understandable and customizeable “item”, or rather upgrade, structure and shop system into Awesomenauts. How exactly that lofty goal will be achieved is, in short, explained below and after the jump.

Q: Awesomenauts features MOBA style gameplay on a 2D plane, and amongst a myriad of things featured in MOBA style games,Awesomenauts employs a shop feature. How does it work?
A: The shop in Awesomenauts is a simple 3×4 grid containing items specific to the class you’re playing. Each row of items represents a category of upgrades for a specific part of your character. The categories are as follows: special skill 1, special skill 2, shots and passives. The special skills need to be bought first, before they can be upgraded. Apart from the shop you can access during the match, there’s also a loadout system outside the game. There you can customize which 12 items will be available to you during matches. These loadouts are custom per class.
Dungeon Defenders impresses in new dev diary
13 years ago

Dungeon Defenders impresses in new dev diary

Dungeon Defenders developer Trendy Entertainment has released a new development diary showcasing their tower defense/action RPG’s gameplay. Marc Singer, Dungeon Defender‘s Producer gives us an overview of the game …
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New Awesomenauts trailer showcases Leon
14 years ago

New Awesomenauts trailer showcases Leon

Ronimo Games has released a new Awesomenauts trailer showcasing Leon, one of the game’s six playable characters. We’ll let Leon speak for himself. Several other characters have received similar …
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Worms: Ultimate Mayhem trailer shows off destruction, cartoon animal cruelty
14 years ago

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem trailer shows off destruction, cartoon animal cruelty

Team 17 has released a new trailer for their upcoming title Worms: Ultimate Mayhem. Ultimate Mayhem combines both of the series’ 3D ventures (Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem) …
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Grasshopper debuts sharp new Black Knight Sword trailer
14 years ago

Grasshopper debuts sharp new Black Knight Sword trailer

Grasshopper Manufacture has released a new trailer for its stylish side-scrolling action title Black Knight Sword. Developed in collaboration with Digital Reality, Black Knight Sword is set in a …
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An ode to Battleblock Theater (and tar)

Battleblock Theater is showing off its classy side with this new video. A mustachioed man tells a tear-jerking poem about tar blocks, sticky enough to slow you down or …
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