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Publishers Deep Silver have revealed the first character from their side-scrolling action brawler developed by SouthEnd, Sacred Citadel. The Safiri Warrior is the toughest …
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It’s a little late, but better than never. If you have the Origin of Pain DLC you’ve got the chance to earn some major MSP. Create something using the …
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Karateka is old school–like Apple II old school. It’s so old school that anyone younger than 30 may not even remember it. But …
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These days, zombies are ubiquitous in video games. They’re the all-purpose enemy (and genre) that just won’t die – you’ll find them all over the place in shooters, adventure games, strategy titles, the works. Only a handful, however, have tackled the zombie apocalypse in open-world format. Undead Labs’ upcoming State of Decay aims to diversify the portfolio of flesh-craving corpses.
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Red Bull Crashed Ice Kinect is the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade Kinect adaptation of the Crashed Ice winter extreme sport. Skaters compete in a downhill session in an urban environment with jumps and obstacles littered throughout the track. The Kinect cam footage above (and another after the jump) was taken by the game’s developer, Bongfish. It demonstrates both the overall look and feel of the game as well as how players will use their bodies to navigate the treacherous courses. We’re cautiously optimistic given that Bongfish’s last XBLA title was the free game Harm’s Way. No release window has been set, but at this point we’re shooting for “winter.” It’s fitting, right?
Monolith and Warner Bros. recently released a bunch of new information on Guardians of Middle-earth, an upcoming multiplayer online battle-arena game for XBLA. The game is set to release in December, which will also see the release of the highly anticipated film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, marking Peter Jackson’s return to the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien.
First, two new characters were revealed, one from the forces of good and the other from Mordor. The first of these new characters is Eowyn, shieldbearer of Rohan. Her skill set should position her well to be a supportive hero capable of standing in the front lines during engagements, helping make the Defender class an active participant in combat. She focuses on healing and shielding others, with her ability to stun nearby enemies if they approach keeping her safe while she provides support for champions more focused on dishing out damage.
Dishing out the damage is the specialty of the other hero just revealed, Mozgog the orc. A Warrior designed to go toe-to-toe with others in melee range, Mozgog’s abilities increase his damage and mobility, sometimes at the expense of his health. Mozgog’s ultimate ability included a fear effect, nicely referencing the emotional effect the orcs had in the films. The above video highlights both of these new heroes in a bit more detail — for those readers new to the genre, Monolith has released a series of introductory clips discussed after the jump.
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Pool Nation from Cherrypop Games and Mastertronic is set to release next Wednesday on XBLA, and a new trailer has been released to celebrate. The pool …
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Back in April, TopWare Interactive announced Targem Game’s interplanetary strategy game Planets at War. After being quiet for months the game has finally …
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While most of you will be aware of the release of XBLA’s first free to play game, Happy Wars, you might …
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All things considered, Mark of the Ninja was a pretty great stealth action game. It was chock-full of inventive, fun (if occasionally repetitive) …
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