Awesomenauts awesomely arriving on May 2
Update: Joystiq updated their post to unveil an awesome price of $10 which translates to 800 MSP. No more awesome jokes after this one, promise.
If there’s one game a lot of the staff are excited for here at XBLA Fans, it’s Ronimo’s Awesomenauts. The upcoming MOBA game in 2D with amazing 80’s style presentation finally has a release date of May 2. Even while the Arcade Next promotion continues with Fable Heroes on the same day. You’ll just have two multiplayer games to play on the same day! Don’t forget to meet the Awesomenauts above in a trailer. No price was announced for the game but we’ll let you know if it’s awesomely priced or not (we’ll stop with the “awesome” jokes).
Source: Joystiq