This incredible Munny was created by Denise Kuan and posted to her personal website It features an incredible rendition of the Kid from Bastion. Denise says she played the demo of Bastion …
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This cover surfaced earlier today and shows Dark Reign Redux, a previously published PC title, coming to Xbox through the Indie Games channel. What’s interesting about this cover is …
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Brad Muir, project lead for Iron Brigade at Double Fine Productions, sent out a Tweet earlier today that the cost for Iron Brigade‘s newest DLC “Rise of the Martian …
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Rising Star Games, a British publisher that focuses on importing Japanese titles to Europe, has opened an office in the U.S. Rising Star’s portfolio includes popular games such as Harvest …
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Analyst firm Forecasting and Analyzing Digital Entertainment (FADE) has released a new report that shows XBLA revenue increased 18 percent last year to $144 million. From Dust, created by Eric Chahi (Another World) and developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, and The Behemoth’s popular game Castle Crashers earned the most money with $4.6 million each in revenue off 308,000 and 335,000 units sold respectively. Microsoft Games Studio’s Full House Poker moved the most units with 375,000 units sold but was fourth overall in revenue with $3.6 million.
From Dust was part of Microsoft’s “Summer of Arcade” promotion and joins Bastion, Toy Soldiers: Cold War, and Fruit Ninja Kinect among the top grossing XBLA games of 2011. In total, the Summer of Arcade games listed in the top ten sold over 1.1 million units and grossed $15 million in revenue. Hit the jump for the full list issued by FADE (ordered by units sold):
According to Zoo Games’ official website, Fireburst, which was initially supposed to be released in summer of 2011, is now TBA. The initial announcement also stated the game would be …
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Sources are reporting to Inside Mobile Apps that Microsoft will be discontinuing use of its Microsoft Points currency system used by Xbox Live, Zune marketplace, and the Windows phone. A source with knowledge of the company’s decisions are saying that all mobile developers with publishing agreements are being told to plan for the conversion.
This will impact all three platforms where the point system is used although one of the biggest adjustments will be to the Xbox marketplace where some games and extras are denoted in only Microsoft Points. The Zune marketplace and the Windows phone denote purchases in both the point system and regional currency.
Deep Silver, Doublesix Digital and CBS Consumer Products announced they would release Star Trek: Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Special Edition, combining the popular game show with the …
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Before Call of Duty and Battlefield 3, there were two games that revolutionized first person shooters. These games were Quake and Unreal Tournament. If you have ever played and love either of these games, a relatively new company IllFonic is sure to give you a blast from the past. The company, founded in 2007, is set to release their new arena first person shooter Nexuiz next month as a part of Microsoft’s XBLA House Party promotion. More info and screens after the break.