
About Nathan Bowring

I'm a software developer who enjoys gaming, and I know how cliche that sounds. I've been playing XBLA games for some time now, and I'm a huge fan of the price and creativity of these games. Writing about them is almost as fun as playing them. Almost.
Latest Posts | By Nathan Bowring
Jet Set Radio’s full soundtrack revealed
13 years ago

Jet Set Radio’s full soundtrack revealed

One of the most important parts of the original Jet Set Radio was its soundtrack, and thankfully Sega has chosen to keep all of the original music completely intact. As if that wasn’t enough, the game will include the worldwide soundtrack, including every song from the original North American, European, and Japanese soundtracks. If you want to see the list of all the songs, follow the jump, and treat your ears to the musical samplings in the newest trailer.

Jet Set Radio is the highly anticipated HD remake of the Dreamcast classic. The goal of the game is to skate through every level, graffiting your tag in certain areas. Things get serious when the police come in, and will do anything in their power to stop you. The game will release in all its cell-shaded glory this summer.

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Rock Band Blitz introduces 11 new tracks
13 years ago

Rock Band Blitz introduces 11 new tracks

Rock Band Blitz will let players experience their favorite Rock Band DLC in a new way, shifting the note-pressing craze to an arcade-style format. Players will compete on the leaderboards for the top spots, and the new power-ups will make the competition even tougher. The trailer above proves how power-ups can really rack up points, but have to be used properly for full scoring potential.

The focus may have been taken away from plastic instruments, but the game is still all about the music. A total of 11 songs have been announced from the set list, which can be seen after the jump. Get ready to make some noise, Rock Band Blitz releases this summer.

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Deadlight wants you to fear yourself more than zombies
13 years ago

Deadlight wants you to fear yourself more than zombies

Tequila Works has been showing off thrilling gameplay for their upcoming zombie game Deadlight for some time, but the story that will back it up appears just as exciting. The …
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Sega Vintage Collections priced and dated
13 years ago

Sega Vintage Collections priced and dated

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Classic Sega Genesis games are about to get re-released in a series of 3-pack bundles entitled Sega Vintage Collections,  and Sega Japan has announced the release dates for the first …
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Gotham City Impostors checked into Arkham Asylum
13 years ago

Gotham City Impostors checked into Arkham Asylum

It’s official: those psychotic bats and jokers are clinically insane. Gotham City Impostors will soon be receiving a new map based in Arkham Asylum, free of charge. The new map brings …
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Internet Explorer 9 rumored to arrive on Kinect
13 years ago

Internet Explorer 9 rumored to arrive on Kinect

By  •  News, Rumors

With all of the new media apps available on Xbox Live nowadays, it seems the only thing missing is a web browser. According to a new rumor that may …
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Microsoft’s E3 conference to be streamed on Xbox Live
13 years ago

Microsoft’s E3 conference to be streamed on Xbox Live

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Major Nelson announced on his blog that Microsoft’s E3 press briefing, titled Xbox: Entertainment Evolved, can be seen live on Xbox Live for the first time ever. It will air Monday, June …
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Worms Revolution will have class system
13 years ago

Worms Revolution will have class system

Team17 will deliver plenty of new features to the Worms franchise in Worms Revolution, such as the new engine and environments, but today we see new additions to gameplay. The latest installment of the wacky turn-based series will be the first Worms game to feature a class system.

Their are four brand new classes: soldier, scientist, scout, and heavy. Each class will have 4 different variants, for a total of 16 unlockable worms. The soldier class will be most familiar to fans of the franchise; it is not specialized, but can fight and get around well enough. The scientist is the support class; he is weak and slow, but can build the strongest items and heals the team on his turn. The scout is also weak, but extremely light and agile. He’ll fly farther if hit, but will also take less fall damage than the heavier classes. Then there’s the heavy, the biggest and most powerful worm available. He may not be very agile, even with a jetpack or ninja rope, but is almost immovable when hit by an enemy attack.

Players can mix and match classes on their team, so they can have a diverse team, or a team comprised of only one class. Click the link below to see screenshots of the classes, and start thinking about your team strategies. Worms Revolutions will release third quarter 2012.

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Microsoft’s new music service codenamed “Woodstock”
13 years ago

Microsoft’s new music service codenamed “Woodstock”

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Microsoft will soon be replacing Zune as their music service. Their new service, codenamed Woodstock, will be showcased at E3 2012. This new service will allow play across multiple …
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The Walking Dead episode 1 story trailer
13 years ago

The Walking Dead episode 1 story trailer

Telltale Game’s episodic series The Walking Dead, based on the graphic novel by Robert Kirkman, will soon launch on XBLA. The newest trailer puts story at the forefront, showing …
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