XBLA Wednesday: May 2
Do you want to be whisked back into the world of Albion or would you want to be in the year 3587 as a jive-talking toad or a cowboy? XBLA Wednesday has both ends of the spectrum today. First up, the third game following in the Arcade Next promotion, Fable Heroes brings the world of Albion into a 4-player co-op hack and slash resembling Gauntlet. Players will fight over a wide array of levels and can choose between classic characters in the Fable series. Our review went up today and the game will set you back 800 MSP.
Another game for 800 MSP that came out today was the long-awaited (almost delayed) release of Awesomenauts. With a heavy 80’s aesthetic in presentation, Awesomenauts brings the MOBA style action into a 2D world with tearing down defenses and using your drones to farm against turrets in order to win battles. If you’re unsure what MOBA entails, we have a great XBLA Primer on the subject and we also have a guide in the works for Awesomenauts. Whether it’s killing defenses in the future or slashing monsters in a fantasy world, XBLA Wednesday has got you covered.