What we are playing is a weekly column that appears each weekend. Various staff members let the world know what games had them hooked the past week and which ones they look forward to.

John Laster – John forgot to submit anything. We can all just assume he is still playing Skyrim.

Perry Jackson – Can’t talk, too busy with Skyrim.

Ryan Reynolds – I finished up Battlefield 3‘s campaign, and I’m still diving into its multiplayer. Played a bit of Gears of War 3, and I just started Uncharted 3. Three 3’s! Is that some kind of sign?

John DrawdyBurgertime: World Tour ate up most of my free time, sadly enough. Other than that, I have dabbled with Skyrim a little and Batman: Arkham City (finally).

Ross AdamsModern Warfare 3 arriving has made reviewing Fusion: Genesis more difficult than it should be. I’ve been going back and forth between the two. MW3 is fun and super addictive and hopefully my Fusion: Genesis review will be up shortly before or after this post.

Nathan Bowring – In preparation for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, I played AC: Brotherhood‘s online multiplayer for the first time. It is not what I expected and better than I hoped, kind of wish I played it sooner.

Nicholas DePetrisSkyrim, Skyrim, and Skyrim. I was also lucky enough to get a chance to play an early version of A Virus Named Tom and conducted an interview about the game with Tim from Misfits Attic. It should be up on the site soon, so give it a listen!

Damon FillmanSkyrim is all that matters right now. I’ve never been so addicted to a game in my life. I may take a break from it to play Rayman: Origins next week but that’s a BIG if.

Christine Mitchell – I had a week off work so got lots of gaming done. Still playing through Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, also picked up The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile in the recent DOTW and playing through the co-op campaign just now. Loving the gore! I also played a bucket load of Left 4 Dead 2 versus and thought I’d see what this fuss was over the Elder Scrolls by starting up Oblivion for the first time. I can see this becoming my new addiction.

Steve Melton – Gearing up for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and Halo Anniversary. That being said most of my time has been playing custom games with friends in Halo Reach. I’m also trying to finish out my last achievement in Daytona USA. The first 180/200 came within 24 hours, but this last cheevo takes a bit longer.