What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re most looking forward to. 

Perry Jackson – Played through [easyazon-link asin=”B0022TNO7S” locale=”us”]Max Payne 3[/easyazon-link] and boy, did that game get better reviews than it should. Not that it’s bad, it just has bad pacing issues and Max is super clunky in cover. That being said, the narrative is still rad even if it’s pretty noir-cheese sometimes. Other than that, the Humble Indie Bundle keeps on giving still. Playing through Super Meat Boy with an SNES controller is kind of the best, sorry 360 controller.

Matt Liparota – As summer continues, I find myself revisiting games I haven’t played for a while – I dove back into [easyazon-link asin=”B004HYK956″ locale=”us”]Skyrim[/easyazon-link] earlier this afternoon, a game I haven’t played too much of because I foolishly bought it during the glut of good games early in the year. I also played a bit of [easyazon-link asin=”B0022TNO7S” locale=”us”]Max Payne 3[/easyazon-link], a game I’m enjoying well enough but can’t seem to get into enough to marathon through to the end. Late in the week I also dusted off my 3DS to take a crack at some of the post-game content in Pokemon White. Looking forward into next week, I’m excited for the Amazing Spider-Man game – though I’ll probably hold off on picking it up, both to creep on reviews and to wait until I’ve seen the movie when it hits next month (what with it being a sequel and all).

Steve Melton – Stepping away from Trials Evo and Joy Ride Turbo to start another play-through of [easyazon-link asin=”B004FYEZMQ” locale=”us”]Mass Effect 3[/easyazon-link] in preparation for the Extended Cut DLC that comes out on Tuesday.

Todd Schlickbernd – I’ve been playing almost nothing but Magic: the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 for a week. After the review and the guide I’m exhausted on Magic, but I genuinely enjoyed every part of it. The puzzle challenges were an absolute beast to complete! I’ve been re-leveling in [easyazon-link asin=”B0041OWQUI” locale=”us”]Borderlands[/easyazon-link] after losing my save file a year ago, I figure I’ll want that completed game save for the new game. Other than that, no more racing games on XBLA for a while developers, I’m good for a while. Except Rush. I could go for another Rush.

Ross Adams – Been slowly making my way through [easyazon-link asin=”B00178630A” locale=”us”]Diablo III: Standard Edition[/easyazon-link], for how simple it is the combat is really satisfying, especially with the Monk. Also been playing some Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Dark Void, both of which I grabbed in the Games on Demand sale. They’re…well they’re just about worth the four quid I paid, I’ll say that.

James Heiger – I played a fair amount of Marvel Pinball: The Avengers Chronicles. It really is a fantastic package. It has been pretty quiet this week otherwise.

Nick Santangelo – I didn’t get too much gaming in this week, but I did make time for my usual dosage of [easyazon-link asin=”B002BSA20M” locale=”us”]Halo Reach[/easyazon-link] multiplayer.

Nathan Bowring – A slow week for gaming for me. I played a little Minecraft and inched ever closer to reaching Field Marshal rank in Halo Reach.

Shawn Saris – When I haven’t been raging at Starcraft 2 or [easyazon-link asin=”B00178630A” locale=”us”]Diablo III[/easyazon-link], I have been playing [easyazon-link asin=”B006ZPAYGE” locale=”us”]LEGO Batman 2[/easyazon-link]. I love the Lego games and this one is no different. Now that each character has a voice, it just adds to the fun.


And now you, good reader, what have you been busying yourself with? Looking forward to anything special?