Unlock method: Chance to get from Trainyard or Refinery loot.
The Dancer’s shock grenades will paralyze and trigger seizures in the Tubes on impact. When multiple targets are hit at once they seem to dance in unison, an effect that some find quite beautiful.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Pylon or loot.
This is a vast improvement over the Light Grenade Launcher. We’ve been told by the egg heads down in the lab that they fixed the problem of the launcher not being able to fire the grenade farther than its kill radius.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Oasis or Hospital loot.
The launcher is outfitted with a powerful magnetizer which charges the grenades before launch. The extremely metallic nature of the Tubes attracts these grenades like bees to honey.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Hospital or Port loot.
It is reported that being hit by a grenade from The Shocker feels like putting your tongue into an electrical outlet, then being struck by lightning. Twice.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Sinkhole or Sphinx loot.
WARNING: Marines with metal plates, fillings or any other metallic substance as part of their person should not use this weapon.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Village loot.
This Launcher houses the most powerful grenades known to the Trench Marines, NAY, THE WORLD! Also, if you take out the explosives the grenade housing makes quite a nice vase.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Power Plant or Drydock loot.
None shall run from the power of this weapon. Upon its creation six people wept for six days and on the final day the clouds formed the shape of a goat head against the moon. Lo to those who do not fear this weapon, for in unbelieving you will be undone!
Unlock method: Chance to get from Farnsworth loot.
Only a few of these Grenade Launchers were ever made. It was thought that they may just be a bit TOO powerful.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Sinkhole, Sphinx or Village loot.