Toy Soldiers: Cold War Basic Training level guide
Refer to our Minigame guide for the two minigames at the start of this level
Engineer’s Debut: Upgrade any turret
This is achieved by simply upgraded your first turret, it will come though normal gameplay.
Earning Your Wings: Pilot an Attack Helo
Half through the level and Attack Helo will become availbe to you, simply take control of the vehicle and the decoration will be awarded.
- This level is the training level, the first couple waves are even slowed down at many points, just listen and read and observe the controls
- That middle platform should definitely be a machine gun, but the outer three circles should be anti-tank
- Be sure to have anti-air for the bomber round
- Use the helicopter when able
Boss Tips:
- This boss is mostly a giant damage sponge, so hammer away with the front two anti-tank platforms until they get destroyed, after which they should be immediately rebuilt
- Use the helicopter when able to take care of all the little bits and pieces that can be destroyed on the boss to make life easier
- Make sure to use that back anti-tank if the Screw Tanks are getting past you
Spawn Locations:
- GS – Gas station, it’s the big structure right in front of the platforms.
Wave 1
Armored Jeeps (GS)
Wave 2
Light Tank (GS)
Wave 3
Helo Gunships (GS)
Wave 4
Infantry (GS)
Wave 5
Jeeps (GS)
Wave 6
Tanks (GS)
Wave 7
Infantry (GS)
Jeeps (GS)
Wave 8
APC’s (GS, left entrance, right entrance)
Wave 9
Boss Battle: Antonov A-40
Stage 1
Screw Tanks
Stage 2
Drives around in an even more erratic method and fires a massive laser at the platforms.
Stage 3
Screw Tanks