In Tohu, you get a point and click adventure that looks a lot like a children’s book. You play as a girl who can switch into a robot. They both have specific skills that you will be needing to use to complete puzzles. There are a total of 21 achievements that are very easy to obtain. The story can last a few hours with a guide. I’ve completed it twice: once to get through the game, and a second time to write this guide and finish achievements I missed. You should be able to do everything the game has to offer in just one playthrough.
Before You Begin
It should be mentioned that there is no chapter select. You can have multiple saves, so you could save in each area just in case you miss an achievement. Otherwise you must restart the entire game. Also, the journal is only an in-game resource. You can’t look at it in the menu. This makes creature collecting completely worthless because you can’t chapter select and they aren’t saved to your main profile. I will be referring to Cubus as the robot in case anyone is just skipping the story.
Two Achievements to Watch Out For
Before you start, there are two achievements that require you to click on certain creatures. To get the Naturalist achievement, you must collect all creatures. I got the achievement well before finding all of them. It was obtained at the section with pirates for me. In this walkthrough I have 23 total pointed out. My journal says I only collected 14. (Strange.) Click on every creature just to be sure, but it’s possible that the achievement unlocks at 10. For the Good Talk achievement, you must talk to everyone. There are several NPCs with chat bubbles. Most of them you must talk to, but there are a few you could technically skip if rushing through the game and knowing what you’re doing. I mention to talk to specific ones throughout the guide, but just to be safe be sure to talk to everyone.
The Beginning
- Interact with the radio
- Turn into the robot as instructed and lift the box
- As the girl, open the door and exit
- Pick up the item outside near you
- Click the scissor-headed-looking insect on the left (Naturalist)
- To the right of the big machine on top of a light, there are two very small creatures. Click on them twice for the Skochek achievement
- Head to left area. Be sure to click the rat twice for the achievement Pacuk. Also click on the hanging claw for the Pazur achievement. What’s unusual about it is that clicking on it doesn’t make it do anything else.
- As the robot, pick up the pipe and throw it onto the conveyor belt. Behind that is another heavy object, which you also need to throw on the belt. Click the crab that was behind the two objects (Naturalist)
- Pick up the red object and bring it back to the main area. Pick your backpack and drag the item to the right side where it needs to be placed
- There are now four switches to interact with. Choose first, second, then the fourth. A bridge will become available
- On the right side is a green creature with a light bulb on its head. Click it to add the creature to your journal (Naturalist)
- There is a ship covered in mechanical petals. Move the petals out of the way by rotating them (done by clicking, holding the button down, and moving)
- Interact with the silver machine to the right. It shoots rocks. You have control of the angle as well as the power level. Your goal is to shoot at the other flies in the area. There are three to locate:
- The first is on a branch to the left
- A second is in the mouth of the tall monster who has a bunch of eyes
- The last is in a drawer on the tree to the right (located above the green light bulb creature)
- As the girl, enter the ship
Squid Planet
- As soon as you gain control, click on the creature next to the potted plant (Naturalist)
- Become the robot and pick up the glass jar. Now walk around and interact with the fireflies. There are five. The robot will catch them. For the fifth, you will need to be next to be on the bottom area. You just have to move positions so that they fly above you
- Place the jar onto the lamp above
- Interact with the mole machine
- Pull the lever so that a blue mole shoots out
- Now hit the red button to shoot out the red mole (do this three times)
- Now click the middle mechanism on the pipe to change symbols
- Shoot out a red mole
- Then change to blue and shoot two
- Interact with the third symbol on the pipe and shoot out a blue mole, and then two red ones
- You will get the achievement Kret for trying all combinations. To explain this you just needed to shoot out a red and blue for each symbol, a total of 6 combinations.
- Interact with the machine now and you’ll face the hardest puzzle in the game! A bit early but at least you’ll get it out of the way. It’s by far the most frustrating thing you’ll encounter. Luckily, through trial and a lot of error, I will just give you the solution. You’re welcome.

- Head into the small door with the girl. You’ll talk to the big thing in the middle and click on the hanging guy on the left to speak as well. Take the glass shard on the left. Click the robotic turtle on the right (Naturalist). Open the door and enter
- Take the second glass shard and talk to the purple guy. Continue to the next room and you’ll see a structure that has drawers. Move the top all the way to the right, the middle closed by moving it all the way left, and the bottom just one over
- Continue all the way to the right most room. Click the mouse and, as it starts to run, grab the glove
- Go back to the previous room and through the little tunnel. Go left. First we will grab the achievement Upadek for falling down. Just walk left and you’ll fall down a floor
- Head back up and now as the robot, use the board to cross the first gap. Grab the glass shard here. Fall down and go all the way left back to the main room. Click on the left open window so that a hand comes out (it wants food). Instead, we will try to place the glove on it for the achievement Renkavichka
- Head back to where you place the board on the gap. Now use it twice to get to the shelf and grab the red book. Also make sure to grab the tea pot on the stove that is on the first gap. You don’t grab the pot but instead an item in it
- Go all the way to the right to find a broken mirror. Now pick up the last shard near the mirror and fix it. Rotate the glass pieces to fit them correctly

- As the robot, use the item from the tea pot on the helium tank. Now use the tank, read the book in your inventory, then put the glove on. Now go interact with the mirror and do some arm wrestling. You will obtain the eye
- Head back to the main room and use the eye on the giant guy. Now click the stones in this order starting at the left: red, green, red, purple. If you have a hard time with colors, it’s first, third, fourth, sixth. Technically they can be activated in any order, but those are the ones which must be picked. Pick up the item now on the ground and give it to the purple hand on the left
- Head into the newly-opened elevator. Go to the door on the right. Flip the switch and go into the elevator. Grab the container on the ceiling. Exit back to the main room and use the container on the red small red machine on the ceiling. Interact with the machine and grab the scissors
- Head back into the light switch room and climb the boxes to cut the glowing flower with the scissors. Be sure to click the purple guy who is up and to the left of the flowers (Naturalist)
- Go into the elevator and put the flowers in the pot. Go back down and in the middle of the room is a switch with a lightning bolt on it. Pull the lever down. Try to interact with the guy in the middle (not sure if it’s a conversation so you might as well). Climb the boxes on the right an try to touch the light bulb. This will end the area
Trader Planet
- Talk to the trader, he will not want to give you the hammer. Click the hammer bird above him (Naturalist). Click the vending machine multiple times until you get the hooded cape. On top of the cage is a purple vase; grab that
- Head to the right area. To pass the trader, just wait until he drops his coin into the tub and ducks to get it. In the new area, click the dryer above the rat. Use the switches and choose the fire icon and highest setting. Before you continue, make sure to click the walking creature that navigates the stairs (Naturalist)
- Go the the right and you’ll be on a long pathway. You’ll see a stool on your way; be sure to grab it. Pick up the jar and place it on the machine. Interact to fill it with juice (or maybe it’s blood). Now pick it up and place it on the ground next to the mosquito which is in a vase. Knock over the jar above you (I think it was just for demonstration purposes). Now click the thing that looks like a perfume bottle. The mosquito will get trapped inside. Place the giant jar back on the machine. Travel to where the heating dryer is. Go left (not the diagonal area which is the exit). Pick up the jar and place it in the thing on the right. Talk to the elephant man. Put the hooded cape on the jar to scare him off. Grab the ticket and head into the right area. Talk to the new person here and move all the big sand bags. Interact with the painting of the man. Just rotate everything on the painting so it looks right. This will start the theater:
- Head to the right and you’ll sit down to watch the show
- Click the backdrop to change it and icons above to make things happen. I don’t think there’s really any special order
- Set the backdrop to the fires and click the first icon
- Click the night-sky backdrop and click the dragon icon
- Get the flower backdrop and click the sword icon
- Now choose the choose the rainbow backdrop and click the last icon
- Head back to the top area and pick up the ticket.
- Exit back and go to the heated dryer. Go into your inventory and put the wrinkled ticket underneath the dryer to make it crisp and straight. Exit back to the main area
- Steal the keys from the bathtub. Use the keys on the cage
- Go to the left area. Run to the samurai five times to unlock the achievement Stealth Master
- Now to correctly get by him, you must use the bouncy item as the girl to hang on the hooks. Before you do this, obtain the trophy in the middle first. You can move the bouncy item with the robot. So wait until the coast is clear and move it, then jump on it to stay safe. Make your way to the left. You should have three items to place on the rocky mountain of junk. The purple vase that was on the cage, the stool from the crazy stair area, and the trophy in the middle of this area. Place all the objects to stop the junk from moving. Now climb to the top and grab the pepper. Make sure to click the fish on the left (Naturalist)
- To make things faster, get caught by the samurai on purpose now that you have the pepper. Head back and use the pepper on the machine to immobilize the samurai. Grab the magnet he was wearing. Use it on the giant diver suit in the middle and collect your last ticket. Now press the horn on the bike to make the dog run around. Do this three times for the Maraton achievement
- With everything else done, you may now make the dog run again and use all three tickets while the trader is gone. You will grab the hammer and leave
Back to the Fish Planet
- Talk to the music machine. Grab the horn on the ground. Go left and grab the nail on the sign and all the way left to grab the other piece. Click the fork above also (Naturalist)
- As the robot, move the debris under the fork. Put the screw item in the leftmost empty hole. Place the flute next to it. Leave the third hole empty. And finally, place the whistle item on the right. Go to the hanging pipe above the music character and pull it. It will now leave
- In the right area, click the floating insect in the middle (Naturalist)
- Talk to the prisoner. Crawl through the tunnel and go to the food machine. Grab the little cup next to it. Go to the bottom with the prisoner again and click the small fly next to the frog. Do so until you can grab the newly-revealed item: berries. Now go up and to the machine on the right. This is where you can create a potion. Just make anything and go give it to the prisoner for the Overcooked achievement
- Use the generator on the bridge until the water turns red. Use the cup on the water. Go back up to the feeding machine and use the berries and cup on it. Go back to the potion machine

- Now, to make the correct potion, the solution is: orange (heated), green (cooled), red (cooled). With the fire on, click the red and yellow (first and second) colors. Hit the thing next to the flask and you’ll get an orange fluid. Turn off the fire and both liquid makers. Turn on the yellow and blue liquids. Hit the thing next to the flask to make it. Now just make the normal red one
- Go down to the prisoner and give him the potion. He will drink it; he will like it. He will slip away and now you can see a new potion to create. It is now going to be blue (cooled), red (heated), black (heated). Go back to the potion machine. Use the red blue without heat for the first jar. Now use the red while it is being heated. Now choose all three colors while heated to make black. Go back to the food machine on the left and use the potion on it. This will clear a way to the right. Talk to the music creature to the left and then head to the new path
- In the new area, click the spring creature near the top above you (Naturalist)
- Talk to the guy with the banjo. There is a tuning fork emitting sound. Click left, right, right, left, left, right. This will free the banjo player. Click the red symbol below him and pick up the vase item
- On the right is an extremely easy puzzle. Move the ball through the maze into the center. Click the symbol above the rock that is rotating with the other musician

- Now go to the left and climb the platform. Near the top is a fly trap plant. Place a vase on this part and it will allow the other band member to drop down. Below his feet is another symbol. Click this to finish the puzzle. Now click the symbol stone to end the level
The Illusionist Keeper
- Three tents will open up, each with a mini-game to complete. Above the hammer a creature will slide down every once in a while. Click it while it is in motion (Naturalist)
- Go to the left tent. Move the girl away from the shadow to avoid barrels dropping on you. There are three levels. The first and second area easy, just keep from getting hit. The last one is more difficult, with sections that drop multiple barrels. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not too bad
- Talk to the crab claw guy
- Pick the middle tent. There are four blocks. I don’t have a good solution for you. I’ve completed it twice and it was pretty easy both times. Just click the blocks to move them until they are all in the middle
- The third tent is also easy. Just move the object onto the symbols. When it shakes a lot, keep it there and it will brighten up the symbol. Repeat this for all three phases. There is no way to fail this
- Go to the cannon. Match the symbols to the tents, in the same order. They look a little off, but you should still be able to figure out what they represent. You will automatically gain the It’s Showtime achievement for entering the correct code. This completes the first totem piece
- First things first, click the red creature to the top right (Naturalist)
- Your goal is to make a bridge. Click the plant and shoot the flying guys to make them drop sticks. The sticks need to fall on the gaps while touching the land on each side. Luckily there are anchor points. A total of six sticks will be used to make a path, and the rest is automatic once you complete them

- Go to the rightmost area. Click on the totem headpiece (black) to start a mission to make a lizard look like a dragon. Make sure you click on one of the many birds here to get the Ptaki achievement. Grab the mask to the left of you that’s in the ground (middle of screen). Dig up the carrot on the left (this is food for the lizard). Now place the mask on the drawing of a face
- In the middle area, pick up the two other carrots in the ground. You should be able to spot them easily
- Head to the leftmost area. You’ll see fog beyond the shower head. Go into it five times for the Upor achievement. Also click the bell above a few times for the creature to appear (Naturalist). Click on the stems by the shower head. This triggers a puzzle that can be extremely challenging. The first time I got it just messing around and did it in under a minute. The second time I spent almost 2 hours so that I could provide you with the correct order (likely multiple solutions)

1 twice, 2 twice, 4 once, 1 four times, 3 once, 5 three times 10 once, 11 twice
- With that ridiculousness out of the way, use the mask on the water
- Head back to the right area and use the mask on the part that shows a face drawn in chalk. You need to make a mask that protects you from the fog. Use the goggles and the tubed green nose. Take it and go to the leftmost area
- Put the mask on and click in the fog when the hand shows up. You will crawl through a hole. Now change to the robot and break the branches off. Click on the umbrella. When you fall on the ground, grab it and head back to the rightmost area (you will have picked up a dragon nose for the mask automatically)
- On the right area, use the new dragon nose on the mask editing station. Use that same dragon nose on the mask and also the eyes that look like glasses. Now, use all items on the dragon: three carrots, an umbrella, and the mask. You will obtain the totem piece and fly off
Time Travel Area
- You find yourself next to a winged creature that’s out of battery. There are two snails. One that looks like an alarm clock and the other a stopwatch. Click on the bottom one that looks like a stopwatch (Naturalist)
- Use the clock to reverse time. You should now see a painter. Talk to him. Go left and use the crank. Move time forward again and the path to the left will be open
- On the left, you have to save the big character in the middle. Talk to him first, then click on the right horn. Talk to the swinging girl and she wants candy. Go back down and interact with the little sign to start a puzzle. You need to bring the balls on the left and right to their opposite sides. It’s quite an easy puzzle. Once done, cross the bridge and grab the sucker. There are little blue guys hanging under the bridge; click them (Naturalist)
- Take the sucker and give it to the little girl. Talk to the middle head again and he’ll give you a cloth. Take it to the left head and use it to repair the hole. Now grab the spoon. Head back to the right and turn time forward to the future (you should obtain the Back to the Future achievement. If not just keep messing with the clock and and forth)
- Now in the future, interact with the white flower. Now click on the creature moving on the tree above (Naturalist)
- Head left and you’ll find some pirates. Click on the telescope creature (Naturalist). Make sure to grab the hanging item on the ledge
- Your task is to knock all four pirates into the sub
- First, we will want to move the boat to the left
- Click to move it
- Go to the first pirate with the fork and speak with him
- Use the spoon on him and duel
- He will wall into the water and you will get the Bul’k achievement
- Now bring the boat back and repeat the process to do it correctly
- Go through the portals until you get to the bird, which will fly up a few levels
- Now talk to the crab handed pirate
- Place the item on him which is revealed by hypnosis
- Hold your A button down and spin around the circle
- Now you must match the shadow with the swing
- It doesn’t have to be perfect but it must be really close
- With success you will see swirly animations on the screen
- Wait and he will jump in
- Push the boat to the right side and go through the portal. Go down to the bird and keep following him. He will push the pirate into the water.
- Now bring the boat back. The last pirate just needs to be pushed in. Bring the boat back to the left and go do the dirty deed. You will get a medal
- Go back to where the painter is
- Next to the rock is a red nozzle
- As the robot, click on it to raise a stand
- Now use the medal on the stand
- Go to the future twice so that a three-eyed bird appears
- Give him the medal and you will get a key
- Now you can use the key to unlock the door to obtain a coffee cup
- Give this cup to the flying creature that needed battery
- This will complete the area.
Top of Snowy Planet
- Head to the cave on the right and grab the torch. Also click on the fury purple creatures (Naturalist)
- Head back to the snowy area. Click on the creatures in the top left (Naturalist)
- Click on each singing person to make them close their eyes. Now you can climb the mammoth and grab the crank. Click on all the singing people again and they will move around and chant
- Light the three fires in front of the ice to their left by using the torch
- Click on all of the singers again, having them act different. There are four total musical tracks and once you have heard them all you will obtain the Tancy achievement
- Go back to the cave on the right and give the crank to the character there. This is a classic puzzle. You cannot leave the wolf alone with the goat, and can’t leave the goat alone with the beet
- We will want do do this once to each of them though, to get the Let Them Eat achievement

- It might be possible to get it by leaving all three at the top, but I’m not sure since I unlocked it by mistake when I messed up
- Change to the robot and pick up the goat
- Go down to the second floor and leave it where the beet symbol is
- Flip all the switches on the bottom floor
- Now go back up and grab the beet
- Go to the second floor and place it on the goat symbol
- Take the goat back up and grab the wolf
- Bring it down and put it where it belongs, on the left
- Now put the beat in the right spot
- Go down and click the left switch
- Grab the goat and put it in the middle spot where it belongs
- This completes the puzzle and the gates will all go up
- In the new area, walk forward and get hit by the spinning rocks
- Talk to the bird person and take the jagged rock near by
- Go left and you will be put back where you started
- Now time it right so that you walk without being hit. Click on the flying horn creature (Naturalist)
- Crawl through the tunnel and become the robot
- Grab the rock on the right and place it on the other rock to the left
- Climb the rocks and turn the symbol until its a sailboat
- Head back through the tunnel and climb the structure to the right
- Climb and use the jagged rock you found on the second hole
- You must go up and grab the piece below you to continue up
- It’s problematic to grab it, so just slowly move the cursor around until it shows a pointing finger. Go up and turn the symbol until its a moose head
- Now repeat the previous process to go down
- Go to the last symbol and move it around until it’s a rat. I’m sure I could have saved some time doing in a better order but I wasn’t seeing the rat head until I did the other steps
- Go to the glowing door

- With the totem complete, you will fly back to the original area
Final Area
- A lot of banging is going on as the mysterious figure is wrecking havoc. Click on the door in the middle (the black opening). You will see two measuring cups. The goal is to get it to four, but when filling it up it does five
- Fill the big cup and empty it into the small one using the device in the middle
- The large cup will now have the liquid at the two mark
- Take the small cup the the fire and drain it
- Put it back on the right scale
- Now go fill the large cup and place it back on the left and flip the button
- That will drain until the large cup is at four
- Now you can put the large cup on the fire and it will complete the puzzle
- Head back to the main area
- Pick up the radio

- Now go to the area on the right
- Crawl through the hole
- Click on the left contraption to start a puzzle with lasers
- Easy enough to complete, just make it so the laser hit the top piece

- Once complete, you will be doing shadow puppets. There are three symbols you must recreate, and those are on the bottom area. Use the lights to recreate the symbols. Now that the puzzle is complete, go to the top floor here and go to another right area
- Talk to the TV guy and click the spider above you (Naturalist)
- Click on the machine and you’ll be on a timer to cut wires. You cannot memorize the wires first, as they will be different and randomized. Just be fast in figuring them out and cutting the right wire. If you’re having any trouble always click a random wire at the start to get a brief head start. If you’re absolutely slow at tracing the wires with your eyes, just cut random wires until you get lucky. I hope that no one is having this much trouble; but if you are, no judgement
- Now head to the right and prepare for another fairly challenging puzzle (luckily the last)
- Grab the cog on the ground and place it in the empty slot
- Click on the left part of the machine to get started
- You must place the spare cogs into empty spaces that touch the tips of the other cogs
- It can be tricky to get them to stick at first, but you’ll get the hang of it
- The first one isn’t too bad, but the second one can be more daunting. There are different sizes you must choose from now. Here are the solutions, I’ll let you figure out the last piece

- Now that you’re all done, go to the main area an interact with the spaceship
- After unlocking Muhokopter 2.0, you will be in control of a radio gun
- You must now shoot at that jerk who’s been ruining your day
- Don’t hit yourself! You will now unlock the achievement Happy End for completing the game after the story finishes
- Afterwards, be sure to check out the credits from the main menu to get Credits bugs
- I guess you could have gotten this at any time, but might as well place it at the end
Tohu was published by The Irregular Corporation and developed by Fireart Games on Xbox One. It was released on January 28, 2021, for $14.99. A copy was provided by the publisher/developer.