

SlashDash review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

SlashDash review (Xbox One)

A quote from Roy Brown’s Butcher Pete song (featured in Fallout 3) best describes your actions in SlashDash‘s: “He keeps hackin’ and wackin’ and smackin’.” Read More

Get to know the ID@Xbox games of E3 2014: Part IV
11 years ago

Get to know the ID@Xbox games of E3 2014: Part IV

ID@Xbox E3 2014

At Microsoft’s E3 press conference on Monday morning, there was a video montage of a lot of games that are coming to Xbox One through the ID@Xbox program. Over the next few days, XBLA Fans is bringing you a slightly longer glimpse of those titles than what the montage trailer allowed for. Our coverage of these titles will be in alphabetical order. Following is a look at the fourth set of those games.

Ori and the Blind Forest

Ori and the Blind Forest

Microsoft describes Moon Studios’ Ori and the Blind Forest as “one of the most stylistically gorgeous games we’ve seen on Xbox One so far. Even though the young console doesn’t have much competition in that realm yet, it’s a fair statement to make. The Metroidvania title looked absolutely gorgeous racking up a lot of time in the limelight during Microsoft’s E3 media briefing. Moon Studios was busy quietly working away on the side-scroller for four years prior to its public debut last week. The playable E3 demo received mostly favorable reports from the show floor, but we’ll have to wait until the fall to find out how things come together in the final release.

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