
Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise review (XBLA)
12 years ago

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise review (XBLA)

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise was developed by Behaviour Interactive and published by 505 Games. It was released on October 10, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Naughty Bear was originally released as a retail game back in 2010. The game was heavily criticized by most, so we were more than surprised to see a sequel in the works and a downloadable one to boot. However it would be unfair to judge Panic in Paradise based on it’s predecessor so let’s wipe the slate clean and start with an open mind.

The premise for Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise is that all the teddy bears went on a holiday to Paradise Island but didn’t invite Naughty Bear. Probably because he’s naughty and also a psychotic murderer. It seems like a reasonable decision to us but Naughty Bear is not a happy chappy. He decides to follow the party bus to the island anyway creating a hit-list of bears to punish along the way. Gameplay revolves around being tasked with the “punishment” of a particular bear and players can choose which bear to kill next from a menu screen, though some of the bears are not unlocked until you “defluff” a certain number of bears beforehand. The assassination then takes place in one of the various maps within the game and once you’re in you are free to play out the level as you please, leaving at any time to bank your score.

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Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise to ruin picnics everywhere October 10
12 years ago

Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise to ruin picnics everywhere October 10

[springboard type=”youtube” id=”9XfzTb5f2xo” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”400″ ]

505 Games have announced that Naughty Bear Panic in Paradise, will make its debut on XBLA October 10 for 1200 MSP. The original …
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Naughty Bear has a hit list; be glad you’re not on it
12 years ago

Naughty Bear has a hit list; be glad you’re not on it

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[springboard type=”youtube” id=”-ngDZwvq5uE” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”400″ ]

Wow. They should call this guy “Agent 47 Bear” or something. Naughty Bear just doesn’t seem menacing enough. But if cutting open cuddly innards is your thing, then let the stuffing fly with these three new hit list videos (two are after the jump). Naughty has several upgraded abilities and means of execution this for his XBLA sequel. Be prepared for stealth kills, brutality, and stealing clothes as a disguise.  Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise hits the Xbox Live Marketplace some time in October. No price point has been set.

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Weekly Roundup: August 12
13 years ago

Weekly Roundup: August 12

Weekly Roundup compiles all the biggest news stories, reviews, and releases from the week into one handy post on the weekends.

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New Naughty Bear hits XBLA in October
13 years ago

New Naughty Bear hits XBLA in October

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It’s no secret that 505 Games is putting together a new Naughty Bear title, Panic in Paradise, for later this year, but now the developer has given fans of cuddly carnage a better idea of when they can expect to step back into the shoes of the cutest psychopath in video games – it will hit XBLA and PSN in October.

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Weekly Roundup: July 22
13 years ago

Weekly Roundup: July 22

The Summer of Arcade isn’t the only news this week.
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Naughty Bear rises from the mire
13 years ago

Naughty Bear rises from the mire

By  •  News, Videos, Media

While it’s something of a surprise to see cutthroat sociopath Naughty Bear making a return (considering the critical lambasting the original game was subjected to), it’s less surprising to learn …
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