
mando productions

Babel Rising review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Babel Rising review (XBLA)

Babel Rising was developed by Mando Productions and published by Ubisoft. It was released June 13, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

We’ve all been there. You move into a nice area with a great view and some jumped up Babylonian builds a ruddy big tower…well maybe not. Babel Rising is the latest Kinect centric game released on XBLA. The game aims to give players the “hands of god” to smite tiny Babylonians who persist in building a large tower. Players utilize the elements of fire, water, earth and air to create bolts of lightning and gigantic floods that reign down punishment. The game plays out much like your standard Tower Defense affair, except here we’re trying to halt the creation of a tower rather than the destruction of one. The motion controls are designed to give players a unique sense of power, but does flapping your arms around in your front room yelling “ultimate power” really provide a god-like experience?

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Babel Rising teaser reveals spring 2012 release

By  •  News

A brief, 39-second teaser for Ubisoft’s upcoming Babel Rising hit the Web today, showing off some of the game’s hi-def graphics and revealing a spring release. The title, which …
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Ubisoft announces Babel Rising for XBLA with Kinect support
13 years ago

Ubisoft announces Babel Rising for XBLA with Kinect support

Ubisoft has let us play a god before with From Dust but they’re looking for something more biblical and controller-free with Babel Rising. Based on the iOS game, you play as a god preventing towers being built by followers. The game is being developed by Mando Productions and will utilize the Kinect sensor, using motion based controls to simulate the same effects of the iOS game. It’ll be fun to see how you destroy towers with your hands and make crazy motions for catapulting. Catch some screenshots after the break and look out for this title in 2012.
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