
Elements of Destruction

THQ, Atari games delisted from Xbox Marketplace
12 years ago

THQ, Atari games delisted from Xbox Marketplace

By  •  News


Following their bankruptcy filings in late January, game publishers THQ and Atari have recently seen several of their XBLA titles delisted from the Xbox Marketplace. The XBLA games in question can still be found on the Xbox Marketplace, but they can no longer be purchased. A total of four THQ-published XBLA games have been pulled:

  • Apples to Apples — Originally released Dec 7, 2011
  • Screwjumper! — Originally released Dec 10, 2009
  • SpongeBob UnderPants! — Originally released Dec 26, 2007
  • Voltron — Originally released Nov 30, 2011

The same fate has not yet befallen all of the defunct publisher’s Xbox Live Arcade games, though. Costume Quest, Elements of Destruction, Nexuiz, Red Faction: Battlegrounds, Rocket Riot, Stacking and Warhammer 40K: Kill Team are still available for purchase.

Only one Atari game is currently unavailable: Warlords, which was first released on Nov 14, 2012. Yar’s Revenge, which debuted on March 3, 2011, was temporarily taken down but has since burst back onto the scene, albeit at half of its former 800 MSP price tag. Haunted House, another Xbox Live Arcade game published by Atari, is also currently selling at half price (400 MSP). And finally The Undergarden is selling at 240 MSP which is 70% discount of its original price of 800 MSP.

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Rewind Review: Elements of Destruction (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: Elements of Destruction (XBLA)

Elements of Destruction was developed by Frozen Codebase and published by THQ. It was released on June 18, 2008 and costs 800 MSP.

In Elements of Destruction you play the role of an evil scientist who has been fired from his job and wants to exact revenge on the corporate world. Like any evil scientist would, you build a machine that harnesses the power of mother nature and take your anger and frustration out on the world. Your evil alter ego will come alive as you unleash the lightning, tornadoes and earthquakes at your control and you cause destruction and mayhem across the globe.

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