
Captain America

Deal of the Week – Pinball FX and Marvel!

A treat for fans of both pinball and Marvel comics in general will land later today, as the XBLA Deal of the Week features a selection of superhero related …
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Contest: guess the Marvel Pinball announcement, win a Marvel Pinball starter pack **Update** Winner Announced!
14 years ago

Contest: guess the Marvel Pinball announcement, win a Marvel Pinball starter pack **Update** Winner Announced!

By  •  Contests


Zen Studios announced at Comic Com that a Ghost Rider table would be coming to Pinball FX2 this winter. After sifting through our entries and then entering some …
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Captain America Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)
14 years ago

Captain America Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)

The Captain America table for Pinball FX 2 was developed by Zen Studios and retails for 240MSP. It will release on June 29, 2011. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Captain America is the latest addition to the Pinball FX 2 family of pinball tables. This table is a continuation of the Marvel Pinball table series and features none other than the red, white and blue hero in his fight against the Red Skull. Cap is one of Marvel’s most beloved superheroes but really hasn’t been in the spotlight in recent years. With an impending feature film that will likely change. But don’t let any unfamiliarity scare you away, this table is great fun on its own. This is a medium length table and it plays on the fast side. Zen Studios continues to improve its offerings and Captain America is one of the best tables available.

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Captain America to be next Marvel Pinball addition *UPDATED*
14 years ago

Captain America to be next Marvel Pinball addition *UPDATED*

By  •  News

We had a hunch back in February that Cap would be the next pinball table following the initial release. Well, we were off. The Fantastic Four had a spin in the arcade first. Still, today Marvel announced that the patriotic Avenger will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade’s Pinball FX 2 as part of the ever-growing Marvel Pinball downloadable content. Captain America will battle his archenemies Baron Zemo, Sleeper and Red Skull. The table is based on Captain America 65th Anniversary Special by Ed Brubaker. The table will be available on June 29 for 240MSP. Hit the jump for a screenshot gallery.

*UPDATE* trailer added

Source: Kotaku

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