

Quarrel’s quarrel with the games industry
13 years ago

Quarrel’s quarrel with the games industry

This week saw the XBLA release of Quarrel and while we wait to see how well it fairs with the XBLA crew, developers Denki talk about how difficult it …
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Mercury Hg will melt onto XBLA September 28
13 years ago

Mercury Hg will melt onto XBLA September 28

UTV Ignition have announced on their Facebook page that puzzler game Mercury Hg will be hitting XBLA on September 28. The game promises to challenge you to try and …
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Nin2-Jump review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Nin2-Jump review (XBLA)

Nin2-Jump was developed by CaveĀ  and retails for 400 MSP.

Nin2-Jump (pronounced Nin-Nin-Jump) is a platformer that comes from an unlikely heritage. It was developed by Cave, a developer famous for one thing: bullet hell shooters. It’s not hard to see where this influenced the game in many places. But in releasing Nin2-Jump Cave has proven that they can produce competent games in other genres.

Much like a shooter, the story here is razor thin. You are a ninja. Your goal is to save the princess. You achieve this by collecting scrolls and destroying bosses. While this all sounds familiar it is enough to drive the game, and it is the gameplay that matters.

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Rewind Review: Small Arms (XBLA)
13 years ago

Rewind Review: Small Arms (XBLA)

Small Arms was developed by Gastronaut Studios and releasedĀ  by Microsoft Game Studios on November 22, 2006. It’s available on the XBLA Marketplace for 400MSP.

When the XBLA service was first introduced to me I felt like there wasn’t enough substance to keep me interested. Geometry Wars was there day one which was fantastic, but other than that most of the games really didn’t look too original or polished. Then I heard about Small Arms. It was released exactly a year after the release of the Xbox 360 and I was very excited to get my hands on it. Despite drawing from experiences like Super Smash Brothers on the various Nintendo consoles, the Small Arms formula feels unique and interesting which, when accompanied by the odd looking cyborg critters you get to play as, gave the game a strong sense of originality which the platform needed at the time. Read More