Iron Brigade Survival guide – Hospital
Video guide
XBLAFans survival advice
Recommended Players: 3 – 4
XBLA Fans loadout
Assault Players:
- Mr. Pancakes
- Fighting Wolverines (Gungnir is not a good fit)
- Flak (four players only, can be compensated for with turrets)
- Survival loot (see below) especially Dampening Coil Cannon
- Repair Crane
- Dampening Coil
- Flak/Machine gun turrets
- Quickdraw/Fortify legs
Engineering Player:
- Selker chassis
- Mortar + Mine (shock is nice) heavies
- Flak + shotgun lights
- Shotguns
- Sprinting legs
Surviving in General
Hospital is the first survival map for Iron Brigade so there’s much to learn here. First of all, unlike every other level guide we’ve done, there is not set wave setup to this mode. In this survival at least there are three different sets for each wave and they’re entirely randomized. While this is great for replayability, it makes setting up difficult. The first twenty levels of survival can be rough, but keeping aerial damage to a minimal and not having to waste money replacing expensive turrets will be a key to victory here. Beyond that, assigning roles really helps with managing all the chaos. Artillery should watch the bridge (A) so they can turn around and cover C and D while snipers and other equipment should remain closer to the base. Lastly, the engineer character’s job will be to hunt down Jacobs later in the levels as the emplacements will hardly target them.
Surviving Waves 1 – 20
Early game is full of aerial enemies, including several volt droppers, so rushing three flak turrets is a great idea. It’s imperative that infrastructure is setup during this period of the game, so mortars should be setup to defend C and D which should also have mines in their actual lanes. Dampening generators will need to be setup for each lane as well and should be upgraded immediately. Remember to have the Engineering player upgrade if at all possible as upgrades are far cheaper and the Assault players will need their scrap for placing dampening generators and flak turrets. The engineering player should not place light turrets unless absolutely necessary as to avoid unnecessary overlap. Keep the void droppers dead (snipers should be focusing on them exclusively while other players should focus on the big willies if there are both) quick and the big willies from getting in and minimal damage will be done to the base.
Surviving Waves 21 – 40
Midway through up to the end of the actual usable loot giving waves is Jacobs city. That means make sure anything explosive is up and running because there aren’t just Jacobs, there are also tons of knobs towards the end, Berthas, and protected Burst Transmitters. None of those things will be your friend. As such is the case, anything with Jacobs attached is a priority. Aerial stuff should be managed by flak turrets for the most part, so unless it’s a void dropper and you’re a sniper, you shouldn’t be looking at the sky. For the most part, just having explosive people aiming at Jacobs and all the rest of the damage ripping through things after the Jacobs go down should be enough for victory here, but rest assured if the burst transmitters or knobs are given too much leeway they’ll destroy everything. Use cheap turrets to lure knobs, and double up machine guns on every lane. Keep on the lookout for snipers and counter-snipe them before they kill your engineer.
Surviving Waves 41+
This is danger, dangerous territory. Getting to wave 50 gets you the doctor outfit but from here on out it’s all about the tenacity of the player and their ability to react quickly to rushes. Dampening generators are a must, as are machine gun turrets for knobs. Keep up the flak turrets or void droppers will destroy you, and mortars up near the base are great for Jacobs. Feel free to over-spend on mines as mines will never be destroyed permanently, making them very useful for slowing down enemies, shock or otherwise.
Dos and don’ts
- use dampeners liberally
- watch for surprises from C and D
- use area-of-effect weapons efficiently
- if you fail, take advantage of the survival loot
- ignore snipe tuners, they will kill everyone
- deploy emplacements on Big Willie’s path
- let the volt droppers live too long
- build the repair crane where it will get destroyed
Return to the Iron Brigade (Trenched) XBLA Walk through
Survival loot
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Return to the Iron Brigade (Trenched) XBLA Walk through