More than a Feeling is the lightest episode of Guardians of the Galaxy thus far, not only feeling a lot shorter but it also doesn’t spend a whole lot of time moving the main plot forward. Thankfully, it at least spends its time wisely by fleshing out the world. This episode has some of the best writing so far, doing a great job at both building up its characters and mixing in some fairly humorous moments. We finally get clarity as to the point of the Eternity Forge, relationships become more well-defined, and we even get to meet a new character. That new face is Mantis, which fills out the checkbox for “part of the episode that’s too much like the movies.” Granted, her character is well performed, integral to the plot and the center of some of the funny scenes, so it’s not as glaring an issue.

This episode’s flashback centers around Gamora, showing the catalyst of her and her sister Nebula’s rocky relationship. Beyond seeing some more Thanos, this scene’s not nearly as captivating as Rocket’s segment last episode. In what should have been a clever twist, you end up playing the scene twice, first as Gamora and then as Nebula. While a fine way to reveal extra information, playing it out is rather lackluster. Any scene with Gamora will play out exactly as when you were controlling her, leaving very little room for you to do much as Nebula. The sisters’ relationship is much more interesting to the present day, where Star-Lord must play mediator in their constant fighting, so at least the flashback provides a solid base for this conflict.

While this episode focuses more on side conflicts and turmoil among the guardians, the finale pulls out all the stops. Not only does it offer the biggest action scene the series has had thus far, but it also includes what is by far the most interesting choice from any episode. It’s a brilliant moral dilemma, asking you how to handle the immense power of the Eternity Forge. This moment is a huge turning point that could drastically change how the next two episodes play out – but since this capped off the episode, it’s a mystery as to whether any stark differences will truly take hold.

Guardians of the Galaxy Episode 3: More than a Feeling was developed and published on Xbox One by Telltale Games. It was released August 22, 2017, for $4.99. A copy was provided for review purposes.

To find reviews for the other episodes (as they become available), check out the Guardians of the Galaxy review hub.