

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare walkthrough and music

For those of you itching to see the campaign side of Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, check out this seven-minute video walkthrough of the game’s opening. You may already know about …
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Nail gun anyone? More footage from House Party titles and Happy Action Theater
13 years ago

Nail gun anyone? More footage from House Party titles and Happy Action Theater

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Yet more information on the games primed for release in this year’s XBLA House Party event has escaped from CES 2012, as well as additional footage of upcoming Kinect party-game Happy Action Theater. Reporting from the consumer tech tradeshow, Xbox Live’s Major Nelson takes a brisk trip around the Microsoft booth, interviewing developers from the five upcoming XBLA titles and exhibiting new footage of their games. It’s well worth a watch.

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AMY launch trailer and first 18 minutes of gameplay

To celebrate the release of AMY for 800 MSP on XBLA today, VectorCell have released a new launch trailer. The game is a survival-horror focusing on the relationship between two people; Lana and a little girl named Amy. You play as both characters challenged with surviving a city contaminated with zombie-like creatures. It’s been described as tense, innovative and immersive experience. If you’re not convinced, then head over the page for we have the first 18 minutes of AMY for you to watch. Be aware though this second video will contain spoilers.

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Kinect title Haunt to launch on January 18
13 years ago

Kinect title Haunt to launch on January 18

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Haunt, the Kinect-controlled XBLA game announced way back in 2010, will be available to purchase next Wednesday at the modest price of 800 Microsoft Points. Created by Parappa the Rapper developer Nanaon-Sha, the Xbox-exclusive title promises to deliver a horror experience the entire family can enjoy.

Using only body movements, players explore Benjamin Muldoon’s mansion; an eerie abode populated by fiendish phantoms that looks to have an air of Grabbed by the Ghoulies about it. It’s a story-driven experience that asks players to unveil the secrets of Muldoon Mansion whilst doing battle with its ghostly occupants. There’s also mention of ghouls that can only be vanquished by screaming in their direction. Sounds spooky. For more on Haunt, take a look at the Tokyo Game Show trailer below. Thanks to @lifelower for the heads up. Hit the jump for a video.

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Latest trailer for Choplifter HD surfaces

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Love helicopters? Despise the z-axis? Choplifter HD may be the game for you. inXile Entertainment has released what is likely to be the final trailer for its high definition …
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Shoot Many Robots shows many renders in this new video

Demiurge Studios is hard at work on the upcoming run and gun side-scroller Shoot Many Robots for release later this year. That doesn’t mean we won’t know what went …
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Check out the car classes you’ll race with in Bang Bang Racing

Now that 2012 has begun, the long wait for an XBLA racer of the year has been brought upon us. Bang Bang Racing looks like a pretty good contender for a great racing game this year. From the new trailer, we get a look at the different classes of cars through races and menu screens. There’ll be differences from better drifting to speed or tighter turning. All the car class types can be found after the break and we’ll make sure to drift you details on the upcoming racer when it’s due out later this year.

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House Party 2012 to feature Alan Wake’s American Nightmare and I Am Alive

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Are you ready to party? Microsoft certainly is, at least according to a trailer which has appeared on Xbox Live today. It reveals this years House Party promotion along …
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Behind the scenes video taken at Undead Labs reveals Class3 gameplay footage
13 years ago

Behind the scenes video taken at Undead Labs reveals Class3 gameplay footage

The folks at Undead Labs have released some behind the scenes footage taken around their office which just happens to contain the first substantial look at their open world zombie survival game, Class3. The footage (taken from the alpha version of the game) shows off the game’s physics at work, as well as the game’s protagonist boarding up windows to help fend off the coming hordes of zombies. For the action junkies out there, don’t worry, he does shoot a few zombies. Additionally we’re providing you with some videos of motion capture done for the game. If you’re a fan of the zombie phenomenon, take a look at the clips after the jump.

While we haven’t had any indication as to when Class 3 will be released, we’re hoping that it makes it onto XBLA in 2012. You can never have enough zombies! Although it may come under a different title before all is said and done, Class3 is an ambitious title that you should definitely keep an eye on.

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Somebody else hates numbered review scores, too

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We stumbled across this while looking through some of our applicants’ resumes. This is exactly why we review games the way we do.