New trap

Flame Bracers


Orc Warrior
Kobold Runner

General survival skills

  • Use barricades to bottle neck everyone into the bridge
  • Place barricades on both sides of end of bridge leaving center open so there is only one exit
  • Use a few springs on the bridge to toss orcs back to the start
  • Simple spike traps in the open path will handle most of the light work
  • Use the Flame Bracers, they clear large spaces and have a lasting burning effect

Five skull guide


  1. [A, B, C] orc
  2. [A, C] orc [B] kobold, orc
  3. [A, B]orc, kobold [B] orc, orc
  4. Go Break

  5. [A] kobold [B] ogre [C]kobold
  6. [A, B, C] orc
  7. [A, B] orc [B] ogre
  8. Go Break

  9. [A] kobold [B] orc, orc, orc [C] kobold
  10. [A] orc, orc [B] orc, orc [C] orc, orc
  11. [A, C] orc, kobold [B] ogre, orc, ogre

Continue to Orcs Must Die!: The Arena (level 13) or Orcs Must Die: Complete Guide