Xbox One’s Reputation system is watching you
In a post over at Xbox Wire, Xbox Live Program Manager Micheal Dunn provided a bit more insight into the Xbox One’s Reputation system. It is designed to give players meaningful feedback throughout their time on Xbox One, using simple color-coded categories and an intelligent weighting mechanism that should ameliorate some of the major issues inherent to a community-driven feedback system. The player rating levels are:
- “Good Players” – The majority of gamers will fall into this level. As we’ve said before, we have plans to introduce rewards for good behavior and look forward to sharing more in the future!
- Warnings for “Needs Work” – Beginning this month, some players will start receiving reputation warnings as their reputations drop due to feedback from the community. The purpose of these communications is to remind players about their effect on the community and encourage them to have more positive interactions. These warnings are based on community feedback collected since Xbox One launched.
- Penalties for “Avoid Me” – If players do not heed warnings and continue to have a negative impact on other players and the Xbox Live community, they will begin to experience penalties. For example, people with an “Avoid Me” rating will have reduced matchmaking pairings and may be unable to use certain privileges such as Twitch broadcasting.
Hopefully the penalties associated with the “Avoid Me” rating deter most players from engaging in directly antagonistic behavior. In a console generation that will be defined by the tight integration of social networking, losing the ability to share content with friends and followers could have severe consequences.