XBLAFancast – Elfsquad7 Special
I recently had the chance to talk to Derek Paxton and Scott Tykoski from Stardock Entertainment. They joined me to talk about their recent and surprising Xbox Live Indie Game release, Elfsquad7. We talk a little about the unique situation of a well known PC developer like Stardock putting out an indie game as well as the process around Elfsquad7’s creation and release.
Elfsquad7 is a Christmas themed co-op platformer, you can grab it on the Xbox Live Marketplace right now for 80 points.
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Big thanks again to Chris Green for the awesome theme music, be sure to check out his site BlurredEdge and why not follow him on twitter too@BlurredEdge.
[podcast]https://xblafans.com/xblafancast/XBLAFancastStardockInterview.mp3[/podcast]Hosted, produced & edited by:
Ross Adams (@randomlyrossy)
Special guests:
Derek Paxton
Scott Tykoski