XBLA Wednesday: October 12
We got some new games, we got some deals and we got some DLC all over this Wednesday. Starting off with the newest hits, Guardian Heroes is set for action/adventure-based co-op and Real Steel is bringing the robots in the rink, both for 800 MSP. On the deal side, we got the much-revered Shadow Complex and Perfect Dark both half off of their original prices, 600 and 400 MSP respectively. Lastly on the DLC end, we got some new content from Crimson Alliance with the Vengeance Map Pack for 240 MSP with our helpful guide right here. Not to mention Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet‘s Shadow Hunters DLC extends the campaign to add co-op elements for only 400 MSP. Whether you got money to spend on anything new, on sale or DLC additions, you’re definitely covered on all bases here.