What we are playing: March 17
What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re most looking forward to.
Nick Santangelo – Finished off [easyazon-link asin=”B004FSE52C” locale=”us”]Tomb Raider[/easyazon-link] this week. It was a fantastic game, and I didn’t run into any of the framerate issues many complained about, though half of Lara’s hair did disappear on more than one occasion. Also, I have never seen a game struggle so much to manage a two-monitor setup.
Steve Melton – Played through [easyazon-link asin=”B004FYEZMQ” locale=”us”]Mass Effect 3[/easyazon-link] again, this time with the Leviathan, Omega, and Extended Cut DLCs. Soooooo good. It was actually more fun the second time due to my uber-leveled characters. Time to finish the Citadel DLC. I also started playing through Quantum Conundrum. How did I miss out on this game for so long? It’s puzzly like Portal, but with lighter humor and cuter visuals.
Kevin Plumtree – I am working my way through the campaign in [easyazon-link asin=”B002I0KP4G” locale=”us”]StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm[/easyazon-link] and would love to jump into the multiplayer soon, even though I know I will not last two minutes! The missions have been a lot of fun because each offers a different primary task instead of simply saying to destroy the enemy base.
Christine Mitchell – This week I worked on making my way through Tomb Raider and so far I’m loving every minute. I’m also still playing Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds which I played for review last week but am still enjoying.
Scott Baker – I finished Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath on my Vita, and it’s incredible how it holds up. Stranger’s bouncy speed is a thrill to control, and being able to mix and match live ammo keeps combat interesting. I’m also powering my way through challenges in [easyazon-link asin=”B0050SYX8W” locale=”us”]Halo 4[/easyazon-link] because I want to unlock my first specialized class. I have to say, Binary Slayer is the best action sack gametype I’ve played in a long time.
Ryan Thompson – I started on StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm and love the campaign thus far, though like Kevin, I am also a better observer than player of competitive play. I’m still working on Tomb Raider, and will be playing a bunch of Final Fantasy VI this week in preparation for my upcoming research presentation on the popular RPG.
Matthew Smail – This week has been all about [easyazon-link asin=”B007XVTR3K” locale=”us”]CoD: BLOPS2[/easyazon-link] and a little bit of [easyazon-link asin=”B0022TNO7S” locale=”us”]Max Payne 3[/easyazon-link] for good measure. A pair of mediocre shooters really, but good for a laugh at least. Looking forward to a couple of XBLA games at the end of March, so roll ’em on I say!
Your turn.