Toy Soldiers: Cold War Makeshift guide

US Makeshift I (“Fog of War” Bug Spray)
Model No. SG-380012-L. Signal’s quick-acting bug spray eliminates 99.9% of pests on contact!
Gaseous bug spray for infantry choke points.
Aim – RS
Fire – RT
How to best use it:
All makeshift turrets are best used where lots of ground units walk directly by since they have such a short attack radius. A makeshift combined with a mortar and machine gun within its radius will make a wall of death for almost all infantry.
US Makeshift II (Hairspray Flamethrower)
A makeshift show of ingenuity, this crafty combo is a worthy successor to the magnifying glass for melting plastic.
Short-range flamethrower. Ignites infantry.
Aim – RS
Fire – RT
Spraying a huge line of fire makes this effective against foot soldiers and a great defense for high foot traffic areas on the board.
US Makeshift III (“Blaze and Daze” firework cannon)
Use only under close adult supervision. For outdoor use only. Keep away from people and flammable material. Do not hold in hand. Misuse may result in injury or fire.
Pyrotechnic that disorients and ignites.
Aim – RS
Fire – RT
Roman Candle – LT
This upgrade has two fire modes making it useful in two manners. Primary fire works more like the mortars giving you an arched trajectory, dropping down on enemies from up above. Secondary fire causes the makeshift turret to spin and spew small explosions all around its immediate proximity. The two modes allow you to use this as more of a mid-range weapon that still has close-up capabilities if anything gets near it.