

Journey to Mars with The Technomancer gameplay trailer
9 years ago

Journey to Mars with The Technomancer gameplay trailer

Upcoming sci-fi RPG The Technomancer got a new gameplay trailer this week. In the game from indie studio Spiders, players take on the role of Zachariah, who represents one of …
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Mars: War Logs releases the red wastes on Xbox Live Arcade this week
12 years ago

Mars: War Logs releases the red wastes on Xbox Live Arcade this week

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Mars: War Logs, the atmospheric cyberpunk action RPG, is finally coming to Xbox Live Arcade. Announced late last year, War Logs had always targeted XBLA, but took a detour for an early PC release. Fortunately, Roy Temperance and his murky past will finally arrive on the red planet this Friday, July 26 for 1200 MSP.

We’ve logged quite a bit of information ourselves about Spiders’ upcoming offering. From their cleverly named Silk engine that weaves War Logsimpressive visuals to the fluid combat system, lifting more than a little inspiration from Batman: Arkham Asylum.

To get a sense of what’s in store for those looking to take the plunge into the martian world, hit the jump to hear Spiders’ motivations behind the ambitious downloadable title.

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Mars: War Logs overview trailer
12 years ago

Mars: War Logs overview trailer

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If Mars: War Logs could be summarized with one word, that word would be ‘ambitious’. With each new bit of news we learn that this game is looking to …
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New Mars: War Logs screens
12 years ago

New Mars: War Logs screens


Mars: War Logs is quickly shaping up to be one of the most visually impressive Xbox LIVE Arcade games to date. It’s an interesting mix of action and RPG. Think of it as one part Red Faction, one part Batman: Arkham series, and one part Mass Effect series.

Players control Roy Temperance, your typical ‘I-have-a-murky-past’ character. War is being waged over Mars’ most precious resource, water, and Roy is stuck right in the middle of it. The setting feels very much like the Mars-in-fiction we’ve come to know over the years, and closely resembles Marauder territory in the Red Faction: Origins film released in 2011.

Combat is handled much like today’s “crowd fight” titles. As with the Batman: Arkham and Assassin’s Creed games, Roy will be equipped to handle multiple foes at once. Three available combat skill trees will help players specialize their character as a melee, ranged or “technomancer” combatant. Players can evade enemy attacks by rolling, and combine melee and ranged attack for maximum efficiency.

Much like the Mass Effect games, Roy will have traveling companions. They will assist him in combat and on his missions, which will be doled out by various NPCs found throughout the game. Roy can use his charm (or intimidation factor) to influence conversations with characters. The game also has a crafting system, powered by items found on corpses or looted from the gameplay world. These can be used to create or upgrade weapons and armor, the latter of which will also change Roy’s appearance. All of these experiences lead to XP that will level up Roy and, presumably, his companions.

Mars: War Logs is being developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive. It’s currently set for a Spring 2013 release, but no hard date or price point has been set. Given what we’ve seen so far we’re pretty confident this will fall into the 1200 MSP or above price range. It seems to be quite an in-depth title, and we’re looking forward to another visit to the Red Planet. Hit the jump for additional screenshots.

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Mars: War Logs reveals first images from the martian surface
12 years ago

Mars: War Logs reveals first images from the martian surface

The first official screenshots from the upcoming sci-fi action RPG Mars: War Logs paint a pretty bleak picture. Developed by Spiders, best known around Xbox Live Arcade for Faery: Legends of Avalon, Mars takes place a century after a global catastrophe devastated the colonists of the red planet, who are now governed by perpetually warring corporations struggling to control the precious supply of water.

Players take on the role of Roy Temperance, a multi-talented renegade (the best kind of renegade) who’s story is intertwined within the “cyberpunk” narrative. By unlocking and upgrading dozens of perks and skills, players will be able to develop Roy’s fisticuffs prowess as he engages in real-time battles against the corporate overlords and the creatures of Mars. Players are also able customize their experience through equipment crafting and a decision-driven plot that will purportedly impact the future of Roy, the many characters he encounters and the very future of Mars.

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Mars: War Logs announced
13 years ago

Mars: War Logs announced

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Focus Interactive and Spiders (yes, Spiders) recently announced their new red planet-based action RPG, Mars: War Logs. Players control renegade Roy Temperance in the midst of a war for …
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