
Speedrunner HD

What we are playing: Week of September 4
13 years ago

What we are playing: Week of September 4

What we are playing is a weekly column that appears each weekend. Various staff members let the world know what games had them hooked the past week and which ones …
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SpeedRunner HD review (XBLIG)
13 years ago

SpeedRunner HD review (XBLIG)

SpeedRunner HD was developed by DoubleDutch Games and retails for 240 MSP. A copy of the game was provided for review purposes.

Somebody set SpeedRunner up the bomb. Over and over. That’s about as much plot as you’ll get in SpeedRunner HD, but that’s ok. You play as SpeedRunner, a quick superhero-type fellow with a sweet costume and a penchant for dismantling bombs. Which is good, because the Mad Bomber is setting up bombs all over the city for you to diffuse. Each level is filled with a variety of obstacles that you must overcome using the tools you gather along the way, including a grappling hook, a jetpack, and the ability to jump off of walls. The levels all have a number of potential paths to take, so keep your mind open to different possibilities as you play through in an effort to get the best time. Read More

Indie Games Summer Uprising
13 years ago

Indie Games Summer Uprising

By  •  Features

Indie Games Summer Uprising (IGSU) is here and in full swing. These are the eight games chosen out of 70 that entered, 2 of which you the fans selected. IGSU is a annual promotion to show you the abilities of Indie developers and how diverse the games can be. We here at XBLA Fans have always stood by the XBLIG games and believe that some of the best gems for the Xbox 360 can be found here.

It is because of this belief in the Indie developers that we have put together this piece showcasing all the stars of the IGSU so that you can see them for yourself. We have brought everything to you in just one simple article so nothing is more then a click away. You will find game descriptions, developer website links, download links (once released), review links (once completed), trailers and screenshots.

Make sure to check back with us every so often as we update the article with the rest of the download links (saving you the search) and so you can get our final verdicts on each game.
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XBLIG Summer Uprising roster announced
14 years ago

XBLIG Summer Uprising roster announced

By  •  News

Earlier this month, the folks behind the Xbox Live Indie Games Winter Uprising went at it again with their announcement of a Summer version of their promotion. After plenty of submissions and subsequent determination, eight titles have been chosen to represent the best of what XBLIG has to offer.  T.E.C. 3001, Speedrunner HD, Raventhorne, Take Arms, Train Frontier Express, Cute Things Dying Violently, Doom and Destiny and Battle High: San Bruno comprise the initial lineup and two more titles will complete the list after a community vote in early August. Stay tuned to the official website on August 1, 2011 when the voting starts and August 22 when the everything kicks off.

The full press release can be found right after the jump.

Source: Summer Uprising via Gamasutra

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