
Skin Pack 2

Indie greats revealed for Minecraft skin pack 2
13 years ago

Indie greats revealed for Minecraft skin pack 2

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The reveal of Minecraft‘s second skin pack means the return of revealing sets of skins five at a time. While 4J’s Minecraft skins have always been good, the skins revealed today may be the greatest, most XBLA-friendly ones yet. The newest skins are all characters from indie games: Skulls of the Shogun‘s General Akamoto, Super Meat Boy, Spelunky, Cobalt Agent from the Mojang-published PC game Cobalt, and The Player from Retro City Rampage. Skin Pack 2 will feature 45 skins and is expected to cost 160MSP, akin to Skin Pack 1. More skins will be announced in the coming weeks.

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