
Real-Time Strategy

Kaiju Panic review: Tower defense on steroids
9 years ago

Kaiju Panic review: Tower defense on steroids

Kaiju Panic is as quirky and panic-inducing as its name suggests. In an interesting blend of action RTS and tower defense, players take control of a field commander in an …
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Nova-111 review: To be blunt, it’s average
10 years ago

Nova-111 review: To be blunt, it’s average

My will to play this game is about as lost as these scientists are.
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Free-to-play AirMech Arena heading to Xbox 360
11 years ago

Free-to-play AirMech Arena heading to Xbox 360

Popular browser-based, real-time strategy game AirMech is coming to Xbox 360 this summer in the form of AirMech Arena. Indie developers Carbon Games teamed up with publishers Ubisoft to …
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Anomaly Warzone Earth strikes in March for 800 MSP
13 years ago

Anomaly Warzone Earth strikes in March for 800 MSP

By  •  News

A runaway hit on PC and iOS, Anomaly Warzone Earth is looking to shake things up in the tower defense world on XBLA. In a preview from Joystiq, we …
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XBLA Wednesday: January 25
13 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: January 25

By  •  News

We got two games that kind of rhyme this week with Quarrel and Puddle both wanting your points. First up, Quarrel has been described as “Risk meets Scrabble” where …
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Anomaly Warzone Earth crash-landing to XBLA in 2012
13 years ago

Anomaly Warzone Earth crash-landing to XBLA in 2012

One of the most popular RTS games for PC/Mac and iOS is Anomaly Warzone Earth which blends more action elements into the tower defense genre, making it more on the offensive side rather than defensive. 11 bit Studios announced that it’ll be bringing the game over to XBLA in the spring of 2012. They’ll be working on bringing the classic gameplay to the controller alongside six exclusive levels that test your skills. In addition to a story campaign, the game will also include two Squad Assault modes. Check out some screenshots after the break and keep watching the skies for more information on this upcoming space-RTS.
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XBLA’s Most Wanted: StarCraft
13 years ago

XBLA’s Most Wanted: StarCraft

The real-time strategy genre is a category that has always eluded consoles. Every once in a while a developer will try to make an RTS game work with a controller. From time to time, it does work. Halo Wars for the Xbox 360 and Pikmin for the GameCube come to mind. But for some reason, real-time strategy games just haven’t been refined enough on consoles and the genre hasn’t taken off. Barriers such as the transition from mouse and keyboard to controller are often cited as the reason why.

Blizzard Entertainment is one of the few developers in the world, who never misses a beat. Every single thing they release is pure gold. They take care of their franchises, and they take their time to make sure that they release the best games possible. That is why I’m calling on Blizzard to be the ones to finally break open the real-time strategy market for consoles, by releasing the original StarCraft on Xbox Live Arcade.

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