

Half-Minute Hero getting new visuals for XBLA release
14 years ago

Half-Minute Hero getting new visuals for XBLA release

Hot on the heels of announcing a release date and price, Marvelous Entertainment has detailed some of the changes we’ll see to the XBLA release of Half-Minute Hero. Rather Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax to give the game its full name.

The most notable change to the game is a brand new high def visual style. Gamepro got a early peak at the game and describe the graphics as “more in line with the flat, construction paper stylings of South Park”. Quite the change from the original PSP games 8-bit inspired visuals. For those not too enamoured with the new style there’s no need to fret as the option to play using the retro graphics will be available.

You can see more of the new visuals for yourself in the screenshot gallery after the jump.

Source: GamePro (Thanks to @lifelower for the tip) Read More