
Phantom Breaker BattleGrounds

XBLA games now support 1000 Gamerscore
11 years ago

XBLA games now support 1000 Gamerscore

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It seems like only yesterday the Gamerscore limit on XBLA received a much-welcomed raised from 200G to 400G. Actually, it was two years ago, but you get the point. Arcade …
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Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds teases DLC on XBLA
12 years ago

Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds teases DLC on XBLA

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Japanese developer 5pb has teased new downloadable content for the pixelated side-scrolling beat-em-up, Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds. The developer unveiled its intentions to port the title to Sony’s handheld PlayStation Vita …
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Kurisu Makise joins Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
12 years ago

Kurisu Makise joins Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds

A DLC pack released this week for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds. The Kurisu Pack will set you back 400 MSP and adds new character Kurisu Makise as well as raises …
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Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds review (XBLA)
12 years ago

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds review (XBLA)

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds was developed by Release Universal Network and published by Mages. It was released February 27, 2013 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.


Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is a 2D, retro-styled, side-scrolling beat-em-up in a similar vein to 2010’s popular XBLA brawler, Scott Pilgrim vs The World. In Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds, players take on the role of one of the four colorful starting characters: Mikoto, Waka, Itsuki and Yuzuha, and battle their way through the streets of Tokyo and finally to a Demonsphere universe in order to rescue Waka’s sister Nagi from the clutches of the evil Phantom.

The XBLA game is actually a spinoff of Phantom Breaker, a retail fighting game released in Japan by 5pb, however the presentation ensures no prior knowledge of the characters or story is required. The game is bundled with four modes including Story, Arcade, Co-op, and a PvP Battleground mode. Both multiplayer modes can be played online or offline but do not allow for you to bring your couch buddy into online territory. Read More