
Hamilton’s Great Adventure

XBLAFans Newsbits: May 13
14 years ago

XBLAFans Newsbits: May 13

By  •  Reviews

Here are your newsbits for Friday the 13th. Hope you’re not superstitious!

  • Fatshark’s new title Hamilton’s Great Adventure has been indefinitely postponed on the PlayStation 3. The Steam release of the game was moved up to May 31 of this year with Fatshark also citing that date for “other downloadable platforms”. We know they have a build of the game running on the 360, but have not heard much in the way of progress towards XBLA. See the press release after the jump.
  • Hybrid, the upcoming shooter from Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell has been pushed to 2012. The developer stated that the delay was to “create the highest quality title possible”.

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