At this year’s E3 press conference, Microsoft announced season two of Iron Galaxy’s fighting game Killer Instinct. This will be Iron Galaxy’s first season since taking over development of …
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At Microsoft’s E3 press conference on Monday morning, there was a video montage of a lot of games that are coming to Xbox One through the ID@Xbox program. Over the next few days, XBLA Fans is bringing you a slightly longer glimpse of those titles than what the montage trailer allowed for. Our coverage of these titles will be in alphabetical order. Following is a look at the fourth set of those games.
Microsoft describes Moon Studios’ Ori and the Blind Forest as “one of the most stylistically gorgeous games we’ve seen on Xbox One so far. Even though the young console doesn’t have much competition in that realm yet, it’s a fair statement to make. The Metroidvania title looked absolutely gorgeous racking up a lot of time in the limelight during Microsoft’s E3 media briefing. Moon Studios was busy quietly working away on the side-scroller for four years prior to its public debut last week. The playable E3 demo received mostly favorable reports from the show floor, but we’ll have to wait until the fall to find out how things come together in the final release.
At Microsoft’s E3 press conference on Monday morning, there was a video montage of a lot of games that are coming to Xbox One through the ID@Xbox program. Over the next few days, XBLA Fans is bringing you a slightly longer glimpse of those titles than what the montage trailer allowed for. Our coverage of these titles will be in alphabetical order. Following is a look at the third set of seven of those games.
Known best for the Dead Island and Call of Juarez series, Techland is currently working on the Chrome Engine 6-powered dark fantasy action title Hellraid for Xbox One as well as PC and PlayStation 4. Hellraid, which is set in a world that has been invaded by the forces of — wait for it — hell, was first announced in 2013 and originally envisioned as a Dead Island mode. It will have both single-player and two, three and four-player co-op options that give players melee, magic and ranged combat abilities for use in dispatching invading demon scum. Techland is promising diverse fighting styles for the game’s various weapons, which naturally includes the ability to crush skulls with hammers. If you’re not the skull-crushing type, then perhaps the game’s various crossbows or spells will be more your style.
It seems Microsoft has been holding back on ID@Xbox content until today. An ID@Xbox montage trailer showcased during Microsoft’s annual E3 press conference included over 35 indie titles coming soon to Xbox One. Some of the titles were previously announced ID@Xbox releases, but many are new to the program. Watch the trailer above for teases, and check out the full list after the jump of every game covered in the montage.
For E3 2014, Microsoft looks to come out stronger than last year, which suffered from an erratic and off-kilter message. To promote their upcoming games, apps, and …
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Major Nelson just revealed that the Xbox E3 2014 media briefing will take place at 9:30 am PDT on Monday, June 9. Historically, these conferences have featured new game …
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