Drizzle is a game that is damn hard to assign to any specific genre. You could call it a puzzle game, a strategy game or a casual/family game. It was developed by Annihilated Games although the marketplace lists the developer as AnonymousDevs. This game has been well over a year in the making after many setbacks. It sells for 240MS points ($3) on the Indie games section of the Xbox marketplace.
Drizzle places you in charge of riding the world of pollution. You control a robot hand that places cups under acid rain clouds in order to filter and recycle the rain water. Different colored clouds require different colored cups to collect the rain. The water is used to grow trees and make the world a better place. A few unlockable robot friends will help you along the way while evil corporate robots will try to stop your progress. It sounds like a terrible idea but it’s actually pretty fun. Read More