

Sunday Night Streaming: Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft!
13 years ago

Sunday Night Streaming: Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft!

This Sunday night our guide coordinator will be back at it again, this time streaming Minecraft. We could’ve had some glorious world for you to see, or some cool game …
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A Virus Named Tom destined for XBLA
14 years ago

A Virus Named Tom destined for XBLA

By  •  News

Xbox Live Arcade is filled with all sorts of match-3 style puzzle games and platforming puzzlers, but perhaps it’s been a while since we’ve seen an action puzzler without all the jumping and the falling. Well Misfits Attic’s A Virus Named Tom plans to fill that void, fill it with all sorts of infectious action puzzler goodness. While the game may be a ways off, plenty is known about it and there’s even a gameplay trailer brimming with personality (and viruses). Watch it below the jump, and don’t worry, we guarantee it’s not a security risk.

If you’re too lazy to watch the video or fear the brimming of its hilariousness, we could go at length to describe the game but the developers have said it best:

Imagine trying to solve a simple puzzle. Now imagine people are throwing potatoes at you. So while you’re trying to concentrate, you now have to dodge potatoes (they hurt more than you’d think). Actually it’s more like you’re trying to diffuse a bomb, because there’s a timer that’s counting down to doom-o’clock. Yeah, so it’s basically like you’re a really unpopular bomb squad. But at least you can get your friends to help: by telling you how you’re solving the problem wrong, or kicking the potato-ers in the shin. That’s basically the game. Oh, and there’s also a territory mode you can play against your friends. Make sense?

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Battleblock Theater hands-on preview
14 years ago

Battleblock Theater hands-on preview

Two friends are on an adventure, one finds a gem and one finds a hat. But Hatty wants the gem, so his unnamed friend gives it to him and Hatty starts to cry. Everyone wonders why. The confusion is interrupted by giant cat guards that arrive to send the unnamed friend to prison. Oh, and we’re in a theater. On an island. That’s the setup for Behemoth’s upcoming game, Battleblock Theater.

Battleblock Theater will be a 2D platform puzzle action game, otherwise known as a plactuzzleformer, featuring four player couch and online co-op as well as an online arena for adversarial play. Players can also play solo, but the game is definitely intended as a co-op experience. Levels scale to fit the amount of players to ensure that the difficulty is always appropriate as you advance the story. On the multiplayer side, there will be plenty of different gametypes, ranging from the casual to the hardcore (five have been announced and there are more to come).

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