Major Nelson released the Top 20 XBLA sales for the week of December 15. 2011; these stats are based on individual full game purchases. Halfbrick is still proving that ninjas and fruit are an unbeatable combo, coming in first with Fruit Ninja Kinect. The next three on the list should be of no surprise to anyone: Pinball FX2, From Dust, and Dungeon Defenders. What is surprising this week is that Lara Croft and the Gurdian of Light sneaks in at a cozy number five, proving that a good sale can do wonders for a great game. Check out the full list of 20 for the week after the break.
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Without word of it happening or reason why they have done it, many of Ubisoft’s XBLA offerings are on sale right now. We of course have no complaints about …
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Ubisoft released a new trailer for Bloody Good Time . If you didn’t already know, Bloody Good Time is a multiplayer first person shooter coming later this month to the XBLA marketplace.
It features a distinct humorous take on horror movie stereotypical characters, like evil clowns, jocks and girls in bikinis battling it out in movie set-like maps. Seems like a cool way to celebrate Halloween. Check out the new trailer after the jump.