
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Review: Demonically Perfect
5 years ago

Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Review: Demonically Perfect

Long story short, demons from Hell in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night have been summoned and it’s up to a girl named Miriam to destroy the force behind the evil. …
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E3 2016 ID@Xbox sizzle reel
9 years ago

E3 2016 ID@Xbox sizzle reel

Another year, another batch of cool-looking of games. During this morning’s Microsoft E3 press conference a slew of upcoming ID@Xbox games were shown off in a big highlight reel. Footage was pulled …
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Bloodstained is now Kickstarter’s most-funded video game ever
10 years ago

Bloodstained is now Kickstarter’s most-funded video game ever

By  •  News


A new champion has been crowned. With less than 35 hours to go in its Kickstarter campaign, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has received over $4.25 million in funding, making it Kickstarter’s most-funded video game to date, reports Polygon.

Bloodstained is the latest project from legendary game designer Koji Igarashi (aka IGA), best known for his work on the Castlevania series.

Fans were clearly ready for another Igarashi game, as the original funding goal of $500,000 was met in just one day.

Most of the stretch goals have since been reached as well, with only three remaining. These goals, which will be met if the campaign reaches $5 million, include prequel mini-games for PC and consoles, followed by mini-games for portables and then finishing up with the game including a rogue-like dungeon.

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