Van Helsing is perhaps best known for his legendary battles with the big mack daddy of all vampires, Dracula (and, well, that one Hugh Jackman movie the less said about the better). If Neocore Games’ upcoming The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is to be believed however, the famous vampire slayer’s son may just be every bit the monster hunter his father was – perhaps moreso.

The above trailer, built with pre-alpha footage, shows off Van Helsing Jr. taking on massive hordes of all kinds of beasts – vampires, werewolves, zombies and more – in what appears to be a click-happy hack-n-slash adventure title along the lines of Diablo. The character will utilize guns, swords and all kinds of spells at his disposal to vanquish evil. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is currently in development for XBLA and PC.