Crimson Alliance The Hierophant level guide
The Hierophant
Secret areas (11):
- After the first sort of squiggly maze-ish area through the mines you’ll fight in a ravine with mine carts in the center and a Berzerker and Leader. At the end of it (you’ll fight down the ravine and come up against a wall where the checkpoint lies to the Northeast) turn left instead of right into what seems like a wall.
- Beyond the first checkpoint (there will be three baddies mining off to the side) will be more mine cart tracks. Eventually players will arrive at an intact set of tracks with a cart on them leading towards a room with monster bait in it. Keep going straight instead of into that room to find the area.
- Proceed through the room with the mine cart tracks past the lever which opened the gate for those dog creatures will be wall where the mine cart would have turned left (coupled with tracks leaving through the wall). Instead of going straight still, make a right turn (it’ll be at the end of the rock wall) there’s a pathway off to the side.
- Over the mine cart bridge (after secret area 3) with the baddies mining below it is a room with two mine carts. Behind the one that’s on the tracks is a cracked wall plugged with crates. Destroy them and go through.
- After the checkpoint involving the switch-activated gate, there will be a Shaman battle. Take out the Shaman then go South towards the screen down the ramp.
- This one’s pretty obvious. There’s a battle after the Shaman with a Berzerker who breaks through a wall. Once empty, head through the freshly-made door for a secret area past the monster bait. There’s also an entrance in the room with the switch.
- Head south through the conspicuous crates to find the puzzle. Now, the best way to do this is to have one player hold the pressure plate down and the other one can hit the switches. However, if solo, feel free to just dash through the razor blades and hope to make it. Going straight will lead to a Soul Anchor and a Heart Container.
- After the checkpoint with the big red banner right next to it (there will be a heart container just out of reach on the right side of the screen) approach the open gate without going in. Just in front of it, turn right.
- When arriving at the mine cart fork after the large encounter involving the Leader on the platform, head south down the long bridge.
- After going through the gate beyond the ninth secret area will be a ramp. It’s right next to the Soul Anchor. Make a left immediately after the ramp.
- In your first encounter with the Red Hand gentleman performing jumping jacks, head south towards the screen and follow the path.
- This puzzle definitely requires more than one person. Unfortunately pressure switches can’t be held down by boxes, only players. Just after the battle with the switch-activated razor blade (secret area 6) will be a checkpoint. Head south through the conspicuous crates to find the puzzle. Now, the best way to do this is to have one player hold the pressure plate down and the other one can hit the switches. However, if solo, feel free to just dash through the razor blades and hope to make it.
Heart Containers:
- After the first sort of squiggly maze-ish area through the mines you’ll fight in a ravine with mine carts in the center and a Berzerker and Leader. At the end of it (you’ll fight down the ravine and come up against a wall where the checkpoint lies to the Northeast) turn left instead of right into what seems like a wall. That secret area has a heart container in it.
- This puzzle definitely requires more than one person. Unfortunately pressure switches can’t be held down by boxes, only players. Head south through the conspicuous crates to find the puzzle. Now, the best way to do this is to have one player hold the pressure plate down and the other one can hit the switches. However, if solo, feel free to just dash through the razor blades and hope to make it. Going straight will lead to a Soul Anchor and a Heart Container.
Soul Anchors:
- This one’s impossible to miss. The Soul Anchor is right next to the switch which must pulled to open the gate to move on after the mine cart bridge. The only way to miss this one is to purposely not pick it up.
- Head south through the conspicuous crates to find the puzzle. Now, the best way to do this is to have one player hold the pressure plate down and the other one can hit the switches. However, if solo, feel free to just dash through the razor blades and hope to make it. Going straight will lead to a Soul Anchor and a Heart Container.
- Another one you simply can’t miss is next to the golden dragon head and the mine cart just after the track fork mentioned in secret area 9.
Treasure Chests:
- Beyond the first checkpoint (there will be three baddies mining off to the side) will be more mine cart tracks. Eventually players will arrive at an intact set of tracks with a cart on them leading towards a room with monster bait in it. Keep going straight instead of into that room to find the chest.
- Assassin: Over the mine cart bridge (after secret area 3) with the baddies mining below it is a room with two mine carts. The ramp off to the left leads to an Assassin door.
- Mercenary: After the big puzzle area is a checkpoint and a big encounter just after it. Towards the north wall is a Mercenary door.
- Wizard: In the first battle with the dual-wielding guys in red garments, head behind the wall rather than activating the switch to open the gate to find a Wizard door.