Crimson Alliance Fall of Byzan level guide
Fall of Byzan
Secret Areas (9):
- At the first crossroad, go straight down the long corridor (mid-right of the screen) rather than going up and fighting the archer there.
- After approaching the sleeping enemies, proceed up the wooden structure in their camp.
- After the second checkpoint there will be a trench with a spike barrier at the end. After the encounter (or during it, whatever) go up the left-most path that runs along the trench.
- On the way back from the third secret area just walk straight across onto the other set of stairs (don’t go through the checkpoint gate) and go up that wooden ramp behind the crates.
- In the small area with the lit statue surrounded by enemies and red barrels, don’t go down the ramp just yet. Instead, go down the path parallel under the rafters.
- At a point where there are two bridges to cross, before crossing the second one the wall directly opposite the second bridge will have a small crevice which can be walked through unveiling a flight of stairs. This occurs before the fourth checkpoint.
- Just after the fourth checkpoint is a large encounter filled with archers, followed by a smaller one right after. Before going on to the fifth checkpoint, head right towards what looks like just a rock wall and the camera will pan to reveal a ramp.
- Right after the encounter where the Shaman shows up (but does not stay), there will be a multi-path situation. Keep going the way you went when you first entered the room (should line up with the gate which has closed itself by now) then make a left at the wall (you’ll see a Fighter-only secret door as well).
- Immediately after the battle with the Shaman the end of the game will be in-sight (it’s the red checkpoint). Don’t go towards it, instead go the exact opposite direction (you’ll make a right turn towards the screen instead of left, away from it) and there lies the final room.
- The first puzzle with the four switches should be pretty easy even though the game recommends multiple players. Just light the red barrel on the further side (it has a barrel neatly setup there) and then hit the other two switches while the fuse goes down. Travel down the reveal path for a Heart Container.
Heart Containers:
- Another really easy one to spot will be the Heart Container about midway through the level after the short battle on the squared platform.
- The first puzzle with the four switches should be pretty easy even though the game recommends multiple players. Just light the red barrel on the further side (it has a barrel neatly setup there) and then hit the other two switches while the fuse goes down. Travel down the reveal path for a Heart Container.
Soul Anchors:
- Can’t miss this one. Right after secret area 5 is a ramp, travel down that ramp and there will be a Soul Anchor waiting.
- After encountering the sleeping Gulyabani and the Assassin door (around the campfire) there will be a Soul Anchor sitting in the middle of a small room which must be cleared before progression can continue.
- Right after the encounter where the Shaman shows up (but does not stay), there will be a multi-path situation. Keep going the way you went when you first entered the room (should line up with the gate which has closed itself by now) then make a left at the wall (you’ll see a Mercenary-only secret door as well). The area has a Soul Anchor in it.
Treasure Chests:
- The first chest is next to the Inventory Tutorial ghost.
- Assassin: There’s a door on the wall next to the campfire with the sleeping Gulyabani grunts, just before the second Soul Anchor.
- Wizard: A door is just to the left of the massive gate beyond secret area 7.
- Mercenary: Right next to secret area 8 is a door (also next to the third Soul Anchor).